这是一个使用 reactive-banana 库的 Haskell FRP 程序示例。我才刚刚开始对 Haskell 有所了解,尤其是还没有完全理解 FRP 的含义。我真的很感激对下面的代码的一些批评
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
Example FRP/zeromq app.
The idea is that messages come into a zeromq socket in the form "id state". The state is of each id is tracked until it's complete.
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (unpack)
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Reactive.Banana
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.ZMQ
data Msg = Msg {mid :: String, state :: String}
deriving (Show, Typeable)
type IdMap = Map String String
-- | Deserialize a string to a Maybe Msg
fromString :: String -> Maybe Msg
fromString s =
case words s of
(x:y:[]) -> Just $ Msg x y
_ -> Nothing
-- | Map a message to a partial operation on a map
-- If the 'state' of the message is "complete" the operation is a delete
-- otherwise it's an insert
toMap :: Msg -> IdMap -> IdMap
toMap msg = case msg of
Msg id_ "complete" -> delete id_
_ -> insert (mid msg) (state msg)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(socketHandle,runSocket) <- newAddHandler
args <- getArgs
let sockAddr = case args of
[s] -> s
_ -> "tcp://"
putStrLn ("Socket: " ++ sockAddr)
network <- compile $ do
recvd <- fromAddHandler socketHandle
-- Filter out the Nothings
justs = filterE isJust recvd
-- Accumulate the partially applied toMap operations
counter = accumE M.empty $ (toMap . fromJust <$> justs)
-- Print the contents
reactimate $ fmap print counter
actuate network
-- Get a socket and kick off the eventloop
withContext 1 $ \ctx ->
withSocket ctx Sub $ \sub -> do
connect sub sockAddr
subscribe sub ""
linkSocketHandler sub runSocket
-- | Recieve a message, deserialize it to a 'Msg' and call the action with the message
linkSocketHandler :: Socket a -> (Maybe Msg -> IO ()) -> IO ()
linkSocketHandler s runner = forever $ do
receive s [] >>= runner . fromString . C.unpack
这里有一个要点:https ://gist.github.com/1099712 。
我特别欢迎任何关于这是否是 accumE 的“好”使用的评论,(我不清楚这个函数每次都会遍历整个事件流,尽管我猜不是)。
此外,我想知道如何从多个套接字中提取消息 - 目前我在永远的内部有一个事件循环。作为一个具体的例子,我将如何添加第二个套接字(zeromq 用语中的 REQ/REP 对)来查询计数器内 IdMap 的当前状态?