I have a question on mulesoft anypoint runtime fabric cicd process.

I believe its a 2 step process.

  1. mvn clean deploy --> deploys to exchange
  2. mvn clean deploy -DmuleDeploy -->deploys to rtf from exchange.

Suppose if i published an app to exchange with version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and deployed to RTF.

Then made some changes to the app and published again 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT and deployed to RTF.

Now if i want to go back to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version and deploy to RTF how can i do that or is there any way to deploy directly to RTF by specifying the version ?

I tried to follow this article and though of this question https://blogs.mulesoft.com/dev-guides/how-to-tutorials/install-runtime-fabric-ci-cd-with-jenkins-and-nexus/


1 回答 1


If Exchange has all the versions deployed with the first step you can change the version in the POM before executing the second step to deploy to Runtime Fabric.

于 2021-06-24T21:31:23.463 回答