我在 R 中有一个如下所示的数据框:

### Packages

### Create data:
End_Date <- as.Date("1968-01-01") + days(sample (c(250:365), size=500, replace =T))
Example_DF <- as.data.frame(End_Date)
Example_DF$Start_Date <- as.Date("1968-01-01")
Example_DF$Exposure <- Example_DF$End_Date - days(sample (c(1:249), size=500, replace =T))
Example_DF$ID <- seq(1,500,1)

我想要做的是从 1968-01 到(包括 1969-05)的每个日历月,每个日历月创建两个新列,总结每个人(ID)提供的未暴露和暴露的人时天数, 分别。例如,这些列可以称为 1968_01_Unexposed、1968_01_Exposed 等。

暴露日期可在暴露列中找到。因此,我最终想要的是一个具有 41 列的数据框(原始数据框中的 4 列加上 34 列(1968-01 和 1969-05 之间的每 17 个日历月 2 个))。例如,ID 1 在 1968-01 有 31 天未暴露,0 天在 1968-01 等到 1968-07,其中 ID 1 有 10 天未暴露和 21 天暴露。



1 回答 1



在以更易于阅读的方式呈现结果之前,使用{tidyverse}tibbles/data frames尝试在向量/列中进行思考wide

我演示了如何使用前 2 个条目来处理它并解决天数的逻辑条件的初始部分。


虽然您提供了一些样本数据并因此提供了一个可重复的示例,但该样本似乎无法在 17 个月内运行。我没有检查示例以获得进一步的一致性。


# first problem - each ID needs a month entry for our time horizon ---------------
## define the  time horizon
Month_Bin <- seq(from = min(Example_DF$Start_Date)
                 , to = max(Example_DF$End_Date)
                 , by = "month")

## expand your (here first 2 entries) over the time horizon
Example_DF[1:2,] %>%        # with [1:2,] the df is truncated to the first 2 rows - remove for full example
  expand(ID, Month_Bin)  

# combine with original data set to calculate conditions -----------------------

Example_DF[1:2,] %>% 
    expand(ID, Month_Bin) %>% 
    left_join(Example_DF, by = "ID") 

# with this data we can now work on the conditions and --------------------------
# determine the days
Example_DF[1:2,] %>% 
    expand(ID, Month_Bin) %>% 
    left_join(Example_DF, by = "ID") %>% 

## --------------- let's define whether the Month_Bin is before Exposure
## --------------- lubridate let's you work with "floored" dates ~ first of month 
  Unexposed = floor_date( Exposure, "month") > floor_date(Month_Bin, "month")
, Exposed = floor_date(Exposure, "month")    < floor_date(Month_Bin, "month")) %>%

## -------------- now you can detemine the days per month based on the condition
## -------------- multiple if-else() conditions are nicely packed into case_when
    Unexposed_Days = case_when(
         Unexposed  & !Exposed ~ days_in_month(Month_Bin)
        ,!Unexposed & !Exposed ~ as.integer(difftime(Exposure, Month_Bin, "days"))
        ,TRUE ~ as.integer(NA)    # case_when() requires type consistency for default
    ) %>% 
#--------------- for presentation I force the first 20 rows (ignore this)


# A tibble: 20 x 8
      ID Month_Bin  End_Date   Start_Date Exposure   Unexposed Exposed Unexposed_Days
   <dbl> <date>     <date>     <date>     <date>     <lgl>     <lgl>            <int>
 1     1 1968-01-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 TRUE      FALSE               31
 2     1 1968-02-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     FALSE               24
 3     1 1968-03-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 4     1 1968-04-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 5     1 1968-05-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 6     1 1968-06-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 7     1 1968-07-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 8     1 1968-08-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
 9     1 1968-09-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
10     1 1968-10-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
11     1 1968-11-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
12     1 1968-12-01 1968-09-21 1968-01-01 1968-02-25 FALSE     TRUE                NA
13     2 1968-01-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 TRUE      FALSE               31
14     2 1968-02-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 TRUE      FALSE               29
15     2 1968-03-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 TRUE      FALSE               31
16     2 1968-04-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 TRUE      FALSE               30
17     2 1968-05-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 TRUE      FALSE               31
18     2 1968-06-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 FALSE     FALSE               20
19     2 1968-07-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 FALSE     TRUE                NA
20     2 1968-08-01 1968-12-11 1968-01-01 1968-06-21 FALSE     TRUE                NA



于 2021-06-22T19:40:03.200 回答