- 打包机 v1.7.1
- vCenter Server 6.7
有一个很好的时间让这个工作,特别是构建后的 ssh 连接。Packer 将克隆并引导 OVA 正常,但随后出现错误“等待 SSH 可用”。
使用带有以下参数/属性的官方仿生和焦点 OVA:
bash-5.1# ovftool bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova
OVF version: 1.0
VirtualApp: false
Name: Ubuntu 18.04 Server (20210609)
Download Size: 337.39 MB
Deployment Sizes:
Flat disks: 10.00 GB
Sparse disks: Unknown
Name: VM Network
Description: The VM Network network
Virtual Machines:
Name: ubuntu-bionic-18.04-cloudimg-20210609
Operating System: ubuntu64guest
Virtual Hardware:
Families: vmx-10
Number of CPUs: 2
Cores per socket: 1
Memory: 1024.00 MB
Index: 0
Instance ID: 9
Capacity: 10.00 GB
Disk Types: SCSI-VirtualSCSI
Adapter Type: VmxNet3
Connection: VM Network
Key: instance-id
Label: A Unique Instance ID for this instance
Type: string
Description: Specifies the instance id. This is required and used to
determine if the machine should take "first boot" actions
Value: id-ovf
Key: hostname
Type: string
Description: Specifies the hostname for the appliance
Value: ubuntuguest
Key: seedfrom
Label: Url to seed instance data from
Type: string
Description: This field is optional, but indicates that the instance should
'seed' user-data and meta-data from the given url. If set to
'http://example.com/sm-' is given, meta-data will be pulled from
http://example.com/sm-meta-data and user-data from
http://example.com/sm-user-data. Leave this empty if you do not
want to seed from a url.
Key: public-keys
Label: ssh public keys
Type: string
Description: This field is optional, but indicates that the instance should
populate the default user's 'authorized_keys' with this value
Key: user-data
Label: Encoded user-data
Type: string
Description: In order to fit into a xml attribute, this value is base64
encoded . It will be decoded, and then processed normally as
Key: password
Label: Default User's password
Type: string
Description: If set, the default user's password will be set to this value to
allow password based login. The password will be good for only
a single login. If set to the string 'RANDOM' then a random
password will be generated, and written to the console.
File: ubuntu-bionic-18.04-cloudimg.vmdk
- 实例 ID
- 主机名
- 种子来自
- 公钥
- 用户数据
- 密码
我通过 Packer 的vsphere-clone builder传递了其中一些属性;这是我的模板文件的片段:
source "vsphere-clone" "ubuntu-18" {
template = "ubuntu-18.ova"
network = "${var.networkName}"
CPUs = "${var.cores}"
RAM = "${var.memMB}"
boot_wait = "5s"
communicator = "ssh"
create_snapshot = true
datacenter = "${var.vcenter_dc}"
datastore = "${var.vcenter_datastore}"
cluster = "${var.vcenter_cluster}"
folder = "${var.vcenter_template_folder}"
convert_to_template = true
notes = "${var.vm_notes}"
password = "${var.vcenter_pass}"
shutdown_command = "sudo shutdown -P now"
ssh_handshake_attempts = "50"
ssh_private_key_file = "${var.privateKey}"
ssh_pty = true
ssh_timeout = "20m"
ssh_username = "admin"
username = "${var.vcenter_user}"
vcenter_server = "${var.vcenter_server}"
insecure_connection = true
vm_name = "${var.vm_name}"
vapp {
properties = {
instance-id = "${var.vm_name}"
hostname = "${var.vm_name}"
public-keys = "${var.publicKey}"
user-data = "${var.userData}"
list: |
ubuntu:<generic pass>
expire: False
- name: admin
gecos: admin
- <pubkey>
groups: sudo, users, admin
shell: /bin/bash
disable_root: true
package_upgrade: true
- open-vm-tools
所以流程是:从 vapp 属性传递用户数据 > 使用允许的密钥创建管理员用户 > 用于 ssh 身份验证的私钥。但是在它启动到提示符后,它会出错:“Packer 在尝试通过 SSH 连接时遇到身份验证错误。” 我今天以完全相反的设置开始了这一天,其中根本没有涉及任何密钥;仅使用密码,结果相同。我无法使用默认用户或我创建的帐户使用默认和我创建的密码登录控制台。
一旦实例启动,Packer 将等待大约 6 分钟然后放弃。在那段时间,我尝试使用相同的私钥和默认(“ubuntu”)和我创建的“admin”帐户手动 ssh 到实例。我立即收到“权限被拒绝(公钥)”错误。
packer build -only "*.ubuntu-20" -var vm_name=ubuntu-20-test -var-file <contains vcenter vars> templates/ubuntu.pkr.hcl
vCenter 密码和ssh_private_key_file