我目前正在尝试在页面刷新时在 GM 脚本中传递变量。基本上,我使用的是“使用 Greasemonkey 和 jQuery 拦截页面中的 JSON/AJAX 数据并处理它”中的脚本。- 我已经使用并添加了很多。
我已经挑出了一些变量,并希望在页面刷新时将它们保留下来,但他们没有。每次刷新时它都会将变量重置为 0,并且不会结转。
var A12_old1 = GM_getValue('A12_old1', 0);
var A12_old2 = GM_getValue('A12_old2', 0);
var A12_old3 = GM_getValue('A12_old3', 0);
//then further on...
A12_current = parseFloat(singleAuctionData[8]);
A12_rest = singleAuctionData[1];
if (t_int < 1) {
if (t_test) {
alert_test = true;
t_test = false;
A12reset_go = true;
A12_old3 = A12_old2;
A12_old2 = A12_old1;
A12_old1 = A12_current;
/* so basically doing some calculations as to what the values should be then to
carry them over, at almost the end of the script, but still running every
second, there is:
if (alert_test) {
alert_test = false;
alert(A12_old1 + ' ' + A12_old2 + ' ' + A12_old3);
GM_setValue('A12_old1', A12_old1);
GM_setValue('A12_old2', A12_old2);
GM_setValue('A12_old3', A12_old3);
/*but it isn't carrying the 3 values over when the page refreshes.
It resets to '0'....
// ==UserScript==
// @name setvalue test
// @include http://www.trada.net/*
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
var auctiontyp = 0;
var my_test = GM_getValue("tsttst", 0);
var my_test2 = GM_getValue("tsttst2", 0);
var h = 0;
var m = 0;
var s = 0;
var t_int = 0;
var t_str = '';
var A12_current = 0;
var a_tst = true;
var a_tst2 = true;
var A12_old1 = GM_getValue("A12_old1", 0);
var A12_old2 = GM_getValue("A12_old2", 0);
var A12_old3 = GM_getValue("A12_old3", 0);
if (a_tst) {
GM_setValue("tsttst", 5);
a_tst = false;
//--- Create a cell for transmitting the date from page scope to GM scope.
$('body').prepend('<div id="LatestJSON_Data"></div>');
var J_DataCell = $('#LatestJSON_Data');
//--- Evesdrop on the page's AJAX calls and paste the data into our special div.
function (event, requestData) {
} );
//--- Listen for changes to the special div and parse the data.
J_DataCell.bind('DOMSubtreeModified', ParseJSON_Data);
function ParseJSON_Data() {
//--- Get the latest data from the special cell and parse it.
var myJson = J_DataCell.text();
var jsonObj = $.parseJSON(myJson);
//--- The JSON should return a 2-D array, named "d".
var AuctionDataArray = jsonObj.d;
//--- Loop over each row in the array.
$.each(AuctionDataArray, function (rowIndex, singleAuctionData) {
//--- Print the 7th column.
console.log('Row: ' + (parseInt(rowIndex) + 1) + ' Column: 7 Value: ' + singleAuctionData[6]);
if (a_tst2) {
GM_setValue("tsttst2", 15);
alert(A12_old1 + ' ' + A12_old2 + ' ' + A12_old3);
a_tst2 = false;
t_str = singleAuctionData[10];
var time = t_str.split(":");
h = 3600 * parseInt(time[0], 10);
m = 60 * parseInt(time[1], 10);
s = parseInt(time[2], 10);
t_int = h + m + s;
auctiontyp = parseInt(singleAuctionData[4]);
if (auctiontyp == 4) {
A12_current = parseFloat(singleAuctionData[8]);
if (t_int < 1) {
A12_old3 = A12_old2;
A12_old2 = A12_old1;
A12_old1 = A12_current;
GM_setValue("A12_old1", A12_old1);
GM_setValue("A12_old2", A12_old2);
GM_setValue("A12_old3", A12_old3);
变量“my_test”被继承,但在 json 数组中运行的“my_test2”以及我的其他变量没有被继承GM_setvalue