要在调整大小后正确更新 grid.js,您可以查看此响应
不是一个好主意,因为每次调整大小时,表格都会重绘。选择此选项会导致 UX 降低,并且对于大型数据集可能非常烦人。
我不使用 Vue 框架,但这是这里想法的一个快速示例:
grid = new gridjs.Grid({
/* set up you're grid here */
// Resize you're grid or call it whenever you want
// set the size listener to your grid container
new ResizeObserver(() => setGridSize()).observe(YOUR_CONTAINER);
// function to resize the table with the container size
function setGridSize(){
// The grid js wrapper element (assuming you've just one grid on you're page)
var mywrapper = document.getElementsByClassName("gridjs-wrapper");
// height and with of you're container
var height = YOUR_CONTAINER.clientHeight;
var width = YOUR_CONTAINER.clientWidth;
// Set it to your grid js wrapper
mywrapper[0].style.height = height.toString() + "px";
mywrapper[0].style.width = widht.toString() + "px";