给定一个种子字符串,我想找到它的邻居最多在 2 个位置上不同。生成字符串所涉及的所有数字只有四个(即0、1、2、3)。这是我的意思的例子:
# In this example, 'first' column
# are neighbors with only 1 position differ.
# The rest of the columns are 2 positions differ
Seed = 000
100 110 120 130 101 102 103
200 210 220 230 201 202 203
300 310 320 330 301 302 303
010 011 012 013
020 021 022 023
030 031 032 033
Seed = 001
101 111 121 131 100 102 103
201 211 221 231 200 202 203
301 311 321 331 300 302 303
011 010 012 013
021 020 022 023
031 030 032 033
Hence given a tag of length L
we will have 3*L + 9L(L-1)/2 neighbors
其他方法也受到欢迎,尤其是速度改进。因为我们将处理数百万个长度为 34 到 36 的种子标签。
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string ConvertInt2String(int IntVal) {
std::string S;
std::stringstream out;
out << IntVal;
S = out.str();
return S;
string Vec2Str (vector <int> NTg) {
string StTg = "";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NTg.size(); i++) {
StTg += ConvertInt2String(NTg[i]);
return StTg;
template <typename T> void prn_vec(const std::vector < T >&arg, string sep="")
for (unsigned n = 0; n < arg.size(); n++) {
cout << arg[n] << sep;
vector <int> neighbors(vector<int>& arg, int posNo, int baseNo) {
// pass base position and return neighbors
vector <int> transfVec;
transfVec = arg;
//modified according to strager's first post
transfVec[posNo % arg.size()] = baseNo;
return transfVec;
int main () {
vector <int> numTag;
numTag.push_back(1); // If "000" this code works, but not 001 or others
// Note that in actual practice numTag can be greater than 3
int TagLen = static_cast<int>(numTag.size());
for ( int p=0; p< TagLen ; p++ ) {
// First loop is to generate tags 1 position differ
for ( int b=1; b<=3 ; b++ ) {
int bval = b;
if (numTag[p] == b) {
bval = 0;
vector <int> nbnumTag = neighbors(numTag, p, bval);
string SnbnumTag = Vec2Str(nbnumTag);
cout << SnbnumTag;
cout << "\n";
// Second loop for tags in 2 position differ
for (int l=p+1; l < TagLen; l++) {
for (int c=1; c<=3; c++) {
int cval = c;
if (nbnumTag[l] == c) {
cval = c;
vector <int> nbnumTag2 = neighbors(nbnumTag, l, cval);
string SnbnumTag2 = Vec2Str(nbnumTag2);
cout << "\t" << SnbnumTag2;
cout << "\n";
return 0;