假设您正在使用Safari并在目标URL登录并且页面已完全加载,您可以使用以下示例 AppleScript 代码来获取您寻找的数据。
将以下代码添加到现有AppleScript 脚本的顶部,同时注释掉代码set theHtml to do shell script ...
tell application "Safari" to ¬
set theHtml to do JavaScript ¬
"document.getElementById('myTable').innerHTML;" in document 1
JavaScript命令 来自主域上的表,可能需要针对Watchlist进行调整。
<table id="myTable" class= ... >
"document.getElementsByClassName('...')[0].innerHTML;"in document 1
这是一个AppleScript示例 代码版本,它将打开一个新的Safari文档到目标URL,然后在后台动态创建一个Numbers文档,完成后将其置于最前面。没有使用或解析HTML的方式,它真的不应该放在首位。没有剪贴板或粘贴到Numbers中。 curl
请注意,一旦确定Safari 窗口就可以保持背景,一旦窗口id
首次出现只需要一点时间,您就可以在脚本运行时将焦点设置在其他地方。新的Safari窗口在创建时实际上已经在后台,因为Safari没有被告知. activate
我为该站点创建了一个登录名,并将前三个硬币添加到我的监视列表中,这个屏幕截图是动态创建的Numbers 文档。如果这是您在示例AppleScript代码中设置的内容,它也会对主URL执行相同的操作。theURL
请注意,按照当前编码,如果未登录,它将通知您并中止脚本的运行。我希望稍后更新代码以处理未登录和动态登录(如果未登录),但这是AppleScript示例 代码的下一次迭代。

示例 AppleScript 代码:
property theURL : "https://www.worldcoinindex.com/watchlist"
-- property theURL : "https://www.worldcoinindex.com"
property myNumbersSheetName : "Coin Prices"
property myNumbersTableName : "Coin Prices"
-- # Do not modify code below unless necessary.
property winID : missing value
property itemCount : missing value
property loginStatus : missing value
property thisNumbersDocument : missing value
property theNumbersDocumentName : missing value
property theSafariDocumentName : missing value
-- # Create a new Safari document to the target URL.
-- # Get the id of the newly created window.
-- # Wait for the page to finish loading.
-- # Get the name of the newly created document.
-- # Get Login status and if not already logged in,
-- # notify user and abort the running of the script.
-- # Get the count of ticker symbols for Numbers.
tell application "Safari"
make new document with properties {URL:theURL}
set winID to id of window 1
my waitForSafariPageToFinishLoading()
set theSafariDocumentName to name of window id winID
tell document theSafariDocumentName
set loginStatus to ¬
do JavaScript ¬
if loginStatus contains "Login" then
display dialog ¬
"You are not logged in! Please login, " & ¬
"then run script again..." buttons {"OK"} ¬
default button 1 with title ¬
"Login Required To Run This Script"
set itemCount to my getTickerSymbolCount()
end if
end tell
end tell
-- # Create a new document in Numbers in the background.
-- # Create two columns and one row more than the number of
-- # ticker symbols on the page. Set the column header names.
tell application "Numbers"
set columnCount to 2
set rowCount to itemCount + 1
set thisNumbersDocument to make new document
set theNumbersDocumentName to the name of thisNumbersDocument
tell thisNumbersDocument
delete every table of every sheet
tell active sheet to set its name to myNumbersSheetName
tell sheet myNumbersSheetName
set thisTable to ¬
make new table with properties ¬
{name:myNumbersTableName ¬
, column count:columnCount ¬
, row count:rowCount}
tell thisTable
set value of cell "A1" to "Ticker Symbol"
set value of cell "B1" to "Last Price"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
-- # Get the 'Ticker Symbol' and 'Last Price' for
-- # the number of symbols on the page, setting their
-- # values to the target cells in the Numbers document.
tell application "Safari"
tell document theSafariDocumentName
set n to 2
repeat with i from 0 to itemCount - 1
set |Ticker Symbol| to ¬
first paragraph of ¬
(do JavaScript ¬
"document.getElementsByClassName('ticker')[" & i & "].innerText;")
my addToNumbersTable("A", n, |Ticker Symbol|)
set |Last Price| to ¬
(do JavaScript ¬
"document.getElementsByClassName('number pricekoers lastprice')[" & i & "].innerText;")
my addToNumbersTable("B", n, |Last Price|)
set n to n + 1
end repeat
end tell
end tell
-- # Set focus to cell A1 and bring
-- # the Numbers document frontmost.
tell application "Numbers"
-- # Set focus to cell A1.
tell table myNumbersTableName of ¬
sheet myNumbersSheetName of ¬
document theNumbersDocumentName to ¬
set selection range to range "A1"
end tell
-- ## Handlers ##
to getTickerSymbolCount()
tell application "Safari" to ¬
tell document ¬
theSafariDocumentName to ¬
return ¬
(do JavaScript ¬
"document.getElementsByClassName('ticker').length;") ¬
as integer
end getTickerSymbolCount
to addToNumbersTable(c, n, v)
-- # Sets the value of the target cell.
tell application "Numbers" to ¬
tell table myNumbersTableName of ¬
sheet myNumbersSheetName of ¬
document theNumbersDocumentName to ¬
set value of cell (c & n) to v
end addToNumbersTable
on waitForSafariPageToFinishLoading()
-- # Wait for page to finish loading in Safari.
-- # This works in **macOS Catalina** (10.15.7) and
-- # macOS Big Sur (11.4) and may need adjusting for
-- # updated versions of Safari in these version of
-- # macOS, or other versions of macOS past or future.
tell application "System Events" to repeat until ¬
exists (buttons of groups of toolbar 1 of window 1 of ¬
process "Safari" whose name = "Reload this page")
delay 0.5
end repeat
end waitForSafariPageToFinishLoading
注意:示例 AppleScript 代码就是这样,并且没有任何包含的错误处理,不包含任何可能适当的额外错误处理。用户有责任根据需要或需要添加任何错误处理。查看AppleScript 语言指南中的try 语句和错误 语句。另请参阅处理错误。此外,在适当的情况下,可能需要在事件之间使用延迟命令,例如,使用延迟的值 delay 0.5