我正在 AppLab 中制作童话故事。我使用了一个我称之为“故事”的数据库,其中包含故事事件以及游戏是否开始(我还没有制作游戏)。无论如何,我必须readRecords()
从数据库中获取事件,并在回调函数中创建一个 textLabel(我无法创建 textAreas,但如果我错了请纠正我)。对于每个 textLabel,应该有一个唯一的 ID "event"+scrN
:。如果我运行我的整个函数一次,一切都会按预期运行,但如果我运行两次,它会显示WARNING: Line: 10: The textLabel() id parameter refers to an id ("event2") which already exists.
var scr = "screen";
var scrN = 0;
var maxWidth = 320;
var maxHeight = 450;
function create(widType, id, text, x, y, width, height) {
if (widType === "button") {
button(id, text);
else if (widType === "text") {
textLabel(id, text);
setProperty(id, "x", x);
setProperty(id, "y", y);
setProperty(id, "width", width);
setProperty(id, "height", height);
if (widType === "text") {
setProperty(id, "background-color", rgb(0,0,0,0));
setProperty(id, "border-color", rgb(0,0,0,0));
setProperty(id, "text-color", rgb(0,0,0));
setProperty(id, "font-size", 17.5);
else if (widType === "button") {
setProperty(id, "text-color", rgb(0,0,0));
setProperty(id, "font-size", 16);
function screenChange(dir) {
if (dir === "NEXT") {
else if (dir === "BACK") {
if (dir === "NEXT") {
var buttonWidth = 80;
var buttonHeight = 40;
var next = "Next";
var nextID = next.toLowerCase()+scrN;
var nextx = 220;
var nexty = 400;
create("button", nextID, next,
nextx, nexty, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
var back = "Back";
var backID = back.toLowerCase()+scrN;
var backx = -80;
var backy = nexty;
create("button", backID, back,
backx, backy, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
readRecords("story", {}, function(records) {
var textID = "event"+scrN;
create("text", textID, records[scrN-1].event,
0, -50, maxWidth, 90);
我需要帮助!readRecords 函数是否更改了 main 函数过去调用的 textID 变量?如果是这样,我该怎么办?谢谢