根据 google 组,此宏可用于在 MS Office 中打印拼写错误的单词。
libre-office writer 中是否有类似的选项?
根据 google 组,此宏可用于在 MS Office 中打印拼写错误的单词。
libre-office writer 中是否有类似的选项?
以下子例程复制了 Google 组中的代码所做的事情。它比 MS 版本更冗长,但这是 LibreOffice / OpenOffice 所期望的。它只检查拼写检查行,而不检查绿色语法检查行,Google 组中的 MS 版本也是如此。
Sub UnderlineMisspelledWords
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSpeller As Variant
oSpeller = createUnoService("com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker")
Dim emptyArgs() as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim oCursor As Object
oCursor = ThisComponent.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim s as String, bTest As Boolean
s = oCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(s, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
With oCursor
.CharUnderlineHasColor = True
.CharUnderlineColor = RGB(255, 0,0)
.CharUnderline = com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.WAVE
' Possible alternatives include SMALLWAVE, DOUBLEWAVE and BOLDWAVE
End With
End If
Loop While oCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
您可能希望在打印后删除下划线。以下 Sub 仅在其样式与第一个例程添加的行的样式完全匹配的情况下删除下划线。
Sub RemoveUnderlining
Dim oCursor As Object
oCursor = ThisComponent.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim s as String, bTest As Boolean
Dim bTest1 As Boolean
bTest1 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderlineHasColor = True Then
bTest1 = True
End If
Dim bTest2 As Boolean
bTest2 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderlineColor = RGB(255, 0,0) Then
bTest2 = True
End If
Dim bTest3 As Boolean
bTest3 = False
If oCursor.CharUnderline = com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.WAVE Then
bTest3 = True
End If
If bTest1 And bTest2 And bTest3 Then
With oCursor
.CharUnderlineHasColor = False
.CharUnderline = com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline.NONE
End With
End If
Loop While oCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
(Ctrl Z),但您需要为文档中的每个单词执行一次,这可能有点痛苦。
针对您的上述评论,修改上述子例程来做到这一点很简单,而不是绘制波浪线。下面的代码打开一个新的 Writer 文档,并在其中写入一个拼写错误的单词列表以及拼写检查器建议的替代词:
Sub ListMisSpelledWords
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSource As Object
oSource = ThisComponent
Dim oSourceCursor As Object
oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim oDestination As Object
oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim sMistake as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean, s As String, i as Integer
sMistake = oSourceCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sMistake & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
End Sub
我不知道字典,但是,在回答您之前的评论时,如果您在下方Loop While
和上方粘贴以下代码,End Sub
它将导致新打开的 Writer 文档中的文本被排序而没有重复。它不是很优雅,但它适用于我尝试过的文本。
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String
Dim sThisWord As String
sThisWord = ""
Dim sPreviousWord As String
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestination.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
将返回一个大小为 -1 的数组,因此可以通过在使用数组之前测试此条件来避免错误。下面是Do
sMistake = oSourceCursor.getString()
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sMistake, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sMistake & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextWord(False)
下面是一个修改后的版本,它使用了 Jim K 在他的回答中建议的调度程序go to end of word is not always follow。我已经完整地写出来了,因为更改比添加或替换块更广泛。特别是,必须在创建空目标文档之前获取视图光标,否则例程将对其进行拼写检查。
Sub ListMisSpelledWords2
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
aLocale.Language = Left(sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right(sLocale, Len(sLocale) -nDash )
Dim oSourceDocument As Object
oSourceDocument = ThisComponent
Dim nWordCount as Integer
nWordCount = oSourceDocument.WordCount
Dim oFrame As Object, oViewCursor As Object
With oSourceDocument.getCurrentController
oFrame = .getFrame()
oViewCursor = .getViewCursor()
End With
Dim oDispatcher as Object
oDispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToStartOfDoc", "", 0, Array())
Dim oDestinationDocument As Object
oDestinationDocument = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestinationDocument.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim sMistake as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean, s As String, i as Integer
For i = 0 To nWordCount - 1
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:WordRightSel", "", 0, Array())
sWordToBeChecked = RTrim( oViewCursor.String )
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sWordToBeChecked, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sWordToBeChecked, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then
for i = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(i) & ", "
Next i
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sWordToBeChecked & ": " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToPrevWord", "", 0, Array())
oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToNextWord", "", 0, Array())
Next i
' Sort the paragraphs
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
' Remove duplicates
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String, sThisWord As String, sPreviousWord As String
sThisWord = ""
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
' Remove empty paragraphs
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestinationDocument.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
End Sub
首先,针对您关于该错误的问题,我不是维护者,因此无法修复。但是,由于该错误涉及将文本光标移动到单词的开头和结尾,因此应该可以通过搜索单词之间的空白来绕过它。由于所有语言中的空白字符(我认为)都是相同的,因此从某些字母中识别某些字符的任何问题都无关紧要。最简单的方法是首先将文档的整个文本读入一个字符串,但 LibreOffice 字符串的最大长度为 2^16 = 65536 个字符,虽然这看起来很多,但它很容易太小而无法合理大小的文件。通过一次浏览一段文本可以避免该限制。根据 Andrew Pitonyak(OOME 第 388 页):“
我不熟悉非拉丁字母,也没有安装合适的字典,但我粘贴了你的问题中的单词 go to end of word is not always follow ,即 testी、भारत 和 इंडिया 并且它们都未修改输出文档。
Sub ListMisSpelledWords3
' From OOME Listing 315 Page 336
GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary( "Tools" )
Dim sLocale As String
sLocale = GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Setup/L10N", FALSE).getByName("ooLocale")
' ooLocale appears to return a string that consists of the language and country
' seperated by a dash, e.g. en-GB
Dim nDash As Integer
nDash = InStr(sLocale, "-")
Dim aLocale As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale
aLocale.Language = Left( sLocale, nDash - 1)
aLocale.Country = Right( sLocale, Len(sLocale) - nDash )
Dim oSource As Object
oSource = ThisComponent
Dim oSourceCursor As Object
oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()
Dim oDestination As Object
oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Array() )
Dim oDestinationText as Object
oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()
Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()
Dim oSpeller As Object
oSpeller = createUnoService("com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker")
Dim oSpellAlternatives As Object, emptyArgs() as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim sWordToCheck as String, oSpell As Object, sAlternatives() as String, bTest As Boolean
Dim s As String, i as Integer, j As Integer, sParagraph As String, nWordStart As Integer, nWordEnd As Integer
Dim nChar As Integer
sParagraph = oSourceCursor.getString() & " " 'It is necessary to add a space to the end of
'the string otherwise the last word of the paragraph is not recognised.
nWordStart = 1
nWordEnd = 1
For i = 1 to Len(sParagraph)
nChar = ASC(Mid(sParagraph, i, 1))
If IsWordSeparator(nChar) Then '1
If nWordEnd > nWordStart Then '2
sWordToCheck = TrimWord( Mid(sParagraph, nWordStart, nWordEnd - nWordStart) )
bTest = oSpeller.isValid(sWordToCheck, aLocale, emptyArgs())
If Not bTest Then '3
oSpell = oSpeller.spell(sWordToCheck, aLocale, emptyArgs())
sAlternatives = oSpell.getAlternatives()
s = ""
If Ubound(sAlternatives) >= 0 Then '4
for j = LBound(sAlternatives) To Ubound(sAlternatives) - 1
s = s & sAlternatives(j) & ", "
Next j
s = s & sAlternatives(Ubound(sAlternatives))
End If '4
oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sWordToCheck & " : " & s & Chr(13), False)
End If '3
End If '2
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
nWordStart = nWordEnd
nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
End If '1
Next i
Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oSortDescriptor As Object
oSortDescriptor = oDestinationCursor.createSortDescriptor()
Dim sParagraphToBeChecked As String
Dim sThisWord As String
sThisWord = ""
Dim sPreviousWord As String
sPreviousWord = ""
Dim k As Integer
sParagraphToBeChecked = oDestinationCursor.getString()
k = InStr(sParagraphToBeChecked, ":")
If k <> 0 Then
sThisWord = Left(sParagraphToBeChecked, k-1)
End If
If StrComp(sThisWord, sPreviousWord, 0) = 0 Then
End If
sPreviousWord = sThisWord
Loop While oDestinationCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
oReplaceDescriptor = oDestination.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", TRUE)
End Sub
' From OOME Listing 360.
Function IsWordSeparator(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Horizontal tab \t 9
' New line \n 10
' Carriage return \r 13
' Space 32
' Non-breaking space 160
Select Case iChar
Case 9, 10, 13, 32, 160
IsWordSeparator = True
Case Else
IsWordSeparator = False
End Select
End Function
' Characters to be trimmed off beginning of word before spell checking
Function IsPermissiblePrefix(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Symmetric double quote " 34
' Left parenthesis ( 40
' Left square bracket [ 91
' Back-tick ` 96
' Left curly bracket { 123
' Left double angle quotation marks « 171
' Left single quotation mark ‘ 8216
' Left single reversed 9 quotation mark ‛ 8219
' Left double quotation mark “ 8220
' Left double reversed 9 quotation mark ‟ 8223
Select Case iChar
Case 34, 40, 91, 96, 123, 171, 8216, 8219, 8220, 8223
IsPermissiblePrefix = True
Case Else
IsPermissiblePrefix = False
End Select
End Function
' Characters to be trimmed off end of word before spell checking
Function IsPermissibleSuffix(iChar As Integer) As Boolean
' Exclamation mark ! 33
' Symmetric double quote " 34
' Apostrophe ' 39
' Right parenthesis ) 41
' Comma , 44
' Full stop . 46
' Colon : 58
' Semicolon ; 59
' Question mark ? 63
' Right square bracket ] 93
' Right curly bracket } 125
' Right double angle quotation marks » 187
' Right single quotation mark ‘ 8217
' Right double quotation mark “ 8221
Select Case iChar
Case 33, 34, 39, 41, 44, 46, 58, 59, 63, 93, 125, 187, 8217, 8221
IsPermissibleSuffix = True
Case Else
IsPermissibleSuffix = False
End Select
End Function
Function TrimWord( sWord As String) As String
Dim n as Integer
n = Len(sWord)
If n > 0 Then
Dim m as Integer : m = 1
Do While IsPermissiblePrefix( ASC(Mid(sWord, m, 1) ) ) And m <= n
m = m + 1
Do While IsPermissibleSuffix( ASC(Mid(sWord, n, 1) ) ) And n >= 1
n = n - 1
If n > m Then
TrimWord = Mid(sWord, m, (n + 1) - m)
TrimWord = sWord
End If
TrimWord = ""
End If
End Function