使用 WebGL2,我将 4K x 2K 立体视频作为纹理流式传输到球体内部,以提供 360° VR 视频播放能力。考虑到按时返回,我已经优化了尽可能多的代码库,并且应用程序在使用 .H264 视频源时运行完美。

然而; 当使用 8 位 VP8 或 VP9(提供卓越的保真度和文件大小,AV1 对我不可用)时,由于解码 VP8/VP9 视频需要额外的 CPU 要求,我在较弱的系统上遇到 FPS 下降。


我在初始加载时使用 texStorage2D 缓存纹理的内存空间,以使其尽可能连续。

    let glTexture = gl.createTexture();
    let pixelData = new Uint8Array(4096*2048*3);

    gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, glTexture);
    gl.texStorage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL.RGB8, 4096, 2048);
    gl.texSubImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 4096, 2048, GL.RGB, GL.RGB, pixelData);


/* Main Render Loop Extract */

//Called each frame after pre-sorting entities
function DrawScene(glLayer, pose, scene){
    //Entities are pre-sorted for transparency blending, rendering opaque first, and transparent second.
    for (let ii = 0; ii < _opaqueEntities.length; ii++){

        //Only render if entity and it's parent chain are active
        if(_opaqueEntities[ii] && _opaqueEntities[ii].isActiveHeirachy){

            for (let i = 0; i < pose.views.length; i++) {
                _RenderEntityView(pose, i, _opaqueEntities[ii]);

    for (let ii = 0; ii < _transparentEntities.length; ii++) {
        //Only render if entity and it's parent chain are active
        if(_transparentEntities[ii] && _transparentEntities[ii].isActiveHeirachy){
            for (let i = 0; i < pose.views.length; i++) {           
                _RenderEntityView(pose, i, _transparentEntities[ii]);

let _programData;
function _RenderEntityView(pose, viewIdx, entity){
    //Calculates/manipualtes view matrix for entity for this view. (<0.1ms)
     //Store reference to make stack overflow lines shorter :-)
    _programData = entity.material.shaderProgram;

    _BindEntityBuffers(entity, _programData);//The buffers Thomas, mind the BUFFERS!!!


    //Render all triangles that make up the object.
    gl.drawElements(GL.TRIANGLES, entity.tris.length, GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);    

let _attrName;
let _attrLoc;
let textureData;
function _BindEntityBuffers(entity, programData){
    //Binds pre-defined shader atributes on an as needed basis
    for(_attrName in programData.attributeData){
        _attrLoc = programData.attributeData[_attrName];

        //Bind only if exists in shader
        if(_attrLoc.key >= 0){
            _BindShaderAttributes(_attrLoc.key, entity.attrBufferData[_attrName].buffer,
    //Bind triangle index buffer
    gl.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, entity.triBuffer);
    //If already in use, is instanced material so skip configuration.
    if(_materialInUse == entity.material){return;}
    _materialInUse = entity.material;
    //Use the material by applying it's specific uniforms
    //Apply base color
    gl.uniform4fv(programData.uniformData.uColor, entity.material.color);
    //If shader uses a difuse texture
        //Store reference to make stack overflow lines shorter :-)
        textureData = entity.material.diffuseTexture;
        //Use assigned texture
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureData);
        //If this is a video, update the texture buffer using the current video's playback frame data
        if(textureData.type == TEXTURE_TYPE.VIDEO &&
            textureData.isLoaded &&
            //This accounts for 42% of all script execution time!!!
            gl.texSubImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureData.level, 0, 0,
                textureData.width, textureData.height, textureData.internalFormat,
                textureData.srcType, textureData.video);
        gl.uniform1i(programData.uniformData.uDiffuseSampler, 0);

function _BindShaderAttributes(attrKey, buffer, compCount, type=GL.FLOAT, normalize=false, stride=0, offset=0){
    gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrKey, compCount, type, normalize, stride, offset);

我已经考虑对所有 for 循环使用预定义的计数器来避免 var i=0; 分配,但从中获得的收益似乎不值得付出努力。

旁注,源视频实际上大于 4K,但任何高于 4K 和 FPS 的视频都会研磨到大约 10-12。

强制性:上面的关键功能是从我编写的一个更大的 WebGL 渲染框架中提取的,它本身已经运行得非常快。我不“只使用”Three、AFrame 或其他此类通用库的原因是它们没有来自 DOD 的 ATO,而内部开发的代码是可以的。

21 年9 月 9 日更新:当 chrome 从 90 更新到 93 时,texSubImage2D 的 WebGL 性能急剧下降,导致每帧执行 +100 毫秒,无论 CPU/GPU 能力如何。现在更改为使用 texImage2D 会导致每帧大约 16 毫秒。此外,从 RGB 转换到 RGB565 提供了几毫秒的性能,同时最低限度地牺牲了颜色。

我仍然很想听听 GL/WebGL 专家关于我还能做些什么来提高性能。


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