在公共 API 中返回函数调用的结果有几种不同的常见模式。哪个是最好的方法并不明显。是否就最佳实践达成了普遍共识,或者至少有令人信服的理由说明为什么一种模式优于其他模式?

更新通过公共 API,我的意思是公开给依赖程序集的公共成员。我并不是专门指作为 Web 服务公开公开的 API。我们可以假设客户正在使用 .NET。



public class PublicApi<T>       //  I am using the class constraint on T, because 
    where T: class              //  I already understand that using out parameters
{                               //  on ValueTypes is discouraged (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182131.aspx)

    private readonly Func<object, bool> _validate;
    private readonly Func<object, T> _getMethod;

    public PublicApi(Func<object,bool> validate, Func<object,T> getMethod)
        if(validate== null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("validate");
        if(getMethod== null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("getMethod");
        _validate = validate;
        _getMethod = getMethod;

    //  This is the most intuitive signature, but it is unclear
    //  if the function worked as intended, so the caller has to
    //  validate that the function worked, which can complicates 
    //  the client's code, and possibly cause code repetition if 
    //  the validation occurs from within the API's method call.  
    //  It also may be unclear to the client whether or not this 
    //  method will cause exceptions.
    public T Get(object argument)
            return _getMethod(argument);
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid argument.");

    //  This fixes some of the problems in the previous method, but 
    //  introduces an out parameter, which can be controversial.
    //  It also seems to imply that the method will not every throw 
    //  an exception, and I'm not certain in what conditions that 
    //  implication is a good idea.
    public bool TryGet(object argument, out T entity)
            entity = _getMethod(argument);
            return true;
        entity = null;
        return false;

    //  This is like the last one, but introduces a second out parameter to make
    //  any potential exceptions explicit.  
    public bool TryGet(object argument, out T entity, out Exception exception)
            if (_validate(argument))
                entity = _getMethod(argument);
                exception = null;
                return true;
            entity = null;
            exception = null;   // It doesn't seem appropriate to throw an exception here
            return false;
        catch(Exception ex)
            entity = null;
            exception = ex;
            return false;

    //  The idea here is the same as the "bool TryGet(object argument, out T entity)" 
    //  method, but because of the Tuple class does not rely on an out parameter.
    public Tuple<T,bool> GetTuple(object argument)
        //equivalent to:
        T entity;
        bool success = this.TryGet(argument, out entity);
        return Tuple.Create(entity, success);

    //  The same as the last but with an explicit exception 
    public Tuple<T,bool,Exception> GetTupleWithException(object argument)
        //equivalent to:
        T entity;
        Exception exception;
        bool success = this.TryGet(argument, out entity, out exception);
        return Tuple.Create(entity, success, exception);

    //  A pattern I end up using is to have a generic result class
    //  My concern is that this may be "over-engineering" a simple
    //  method call.  I put the interface and sample implementation below  
    public IResult<T> GetResult(object argument)
        //equivalent to:
        var tuple = this.GetTupleWithException(argument);
        return new ApiResult<T>(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);

//  the result interface
public interface IResult<T>

    bool Success { get; }

    T ReturnValue { get; }

    Exception Exception { get; }


//  a sample result implementation
public class ApiResult<T> : IResult<T>
    private readonly bool _success;
    private readonly T _returnValue;
    private readonly Exception _exception;

    public ApiResult(T returnValue, bool success, Exception exception)
        _returnValue = returnValue;
        _success = success;
        _exception = exception;

    public bool Success
        get { return _success; }

    public T ReturnValue
        get { return _returnValue; }

    public Exception Exception
        get { return _exception; }

3 回答 3

  • Get - 如果验证失败是意外的,或者调用者可以在调用方法之前自己验证参数,则使用此选项。

  • TryGet - 如果预计验证失败,请使用此选项。由于 TryXXX 模式在 .NET Framework 中很常见(例如, Int32.TryParseDictonary<TKey, TValue>.TryGetValue),因此可以假定它很熟悉。

  • TryGet with out Exception - 异常可能表示作为委托传递给类的代码中存在错误,因为如果参数无效,_validate则将返回 false 而不是抛出异常并且_getMethod不会被调用。

  • GetTupleGetTupleWithException - 以前从未见过这些。我不会推荐它们,因为元组不是自我解释的,因此不是公共接口的好选择。

  • GetResult - 如果_validate需要返回比简单布尔值更多的信息,请使用它。我不会用它来包装异常(请参阅:TryGet with out Exception)。

于 2011-07-21T19:32:57.043 回答

如果您所说的“公共 API”是指 API 将被您无法控制的应用程序使用,并且这些客户端应用程序将以各种语言/平台编写,我建议返回非常基本的类型(例如字符串、整数、小数)并使用对于更复杂的类型,例如 JSON。

我认为您不能在公共 API 中公开泛型类,因为您不知道客户端是否支持泛型。

就模式而言,我倾向于使用类似 REST 的方法而不是 SOAP。Martin Fowler 有一篇关于这意味着什么的好文章高级文章:http ://martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html

于 2011-07-21T19:26:29.233 回答


1- 关于 DOTNet 编程语言和 Java 有一个特殊情况,因为您可以轻松检索对象,而不仅仅是原始类型。示例:因此“普通 C”API 可能与 C# API 不同

2-如果您的 API 出现错误,在检索数据时,如何处理,而不会中断您的应用程序。





public static class MyClass

  // not recomended:
  int static GetParams(ref thisObject, object Param1, object Params, object Param99)
    const int ERROR_NONE = 0;

    catch (System.DivideByZeroException dbz)
      ERROR_NONE = ...;
      return ERROR_NONE;
    catch (AnotherException dbz)
      ERROR_NONE = ...;
      return ERROR_NONE;

    return ERROR_NONE;
  } // method

  // recomended:
  int static Get(ref thisObject, object ParamsGroup)
    const int ERROR_NONE = 0;

    catch (System.DivideByZeroException dbz)
      ERROR_NONE = ...;
      return ERROR_NONE;
    catch (AnotherException dbz)
      ErrorCode = ...;
      return ERROR_NONE;

    return ERROR_NONE;
  } // method

} // class


更新 1:提及异常处理。

更新 2:显式声明常量。

于 2011-07-21T20:00:11.070 回答