好的,我不确定我是否理解正确,因为 JS 时间戳步骤似乎是多余的。但这就是我会做的。
public static string SessionReportKey = "Reports";
public static string ReportIDString = "ReportID";
public Dictionary<string, object> SessionReportData
return Session[SessionReportKey] == null ?
new Dictionary<string, object>() :
(Dictionary<string, object>) Session[SessionReportKey];
Session[SessionReportKey] = value;
public ActionResult PreviewReport()
//retrive your data
object reportData = GetData();
//get identifier
string myGUID = new GUID().ToString();
//might only need [SessionReportData.Add(myGUID, reportData);] here
SessionReportData = SessionReportData.Add(myGUID, reportData);
//in your view make a hyperlink to PrintReport action with a
//query string of [?ReportID=<guidvalue>]
ViewBag[ReportIDString] = myGUID;
return View(reportData);
public FileContentResult PrintReport()
if(SessionReportData[QueryString[ReportIDString]] == null)
//error no report in session
return null;
return GenerateFileFromData(SessionReportData[QueryString[ReportIDString]]);