- 缺少
在pose.js中声明的类的init函数中,您将onVideoLoad函数作为回调传递给createVideo。但是 onVideoLoad 函数引用this
. 任何时候你this
this.init = function() {
this.video = createVideo(
// !!! Here, you need to use onVideoLoad.bind(this)
// ...
function onVideoLoad() {
// The media will play as soon as it is loaded.
在 client.js 中的 draw() 函数中,您多次引用world[i].data.pose
- 调用到
// line(pose.leftWrist.x, pose.leftWrist.y, previousPose.data.leftWrist.x, previousPose.data.leftWrist.y);
colorMode(HSB, 255);
fill.apply(this, args.color);
vertex(previousPose.data.leftWrist.x, previousPose.data.leftWrist.y);
vertex(pose.leftWrist.x, pose.leftWrist.y);
vertex(pose.leftElbow.x, pose.leftElbow.y);
vertex(previousPose.data.leftElbow.x, previousPose.data.leftElbow.y);
// Presumably there should be another call to push() here
colorMode(HSB, 255);
fill.apply(this, args.color);
vertex(previousPose.data.rightWrist.x, previousPose.data.rightWrist.y);
vertex(pose.rightWrist.x, pose.rightWrist.y);
vertex(pose.rightElbow.x, pose.rightElbow.y);
vertex(previousPose.data.rightElbow.x, previousPose.data.rightElbow.y);
- 视频播放需要在用户交互时启动
这是我认为“有效”的混音,尽管我不是 100% 了解您的预期行为:https ://glitch.com/edit/#!/stackoverflow-67694586 。我做了一些可能不是您想要的更改,例如使其创建单个视频元素并将其传递给 PoseZero.init(而不是 PoseZero 拥有自己的视频),并隐藏视频元素,因为您正在绘图无论如何,它到画布上。
- 将
/* globals ... */
注释添加到使用 p5.js 的 javascript 文件(下面的完整示例)中,以便在您使用 p5.js 全局变量而不声明它们的情况下,故障不会显示错误。这样,您确实会看到错误,它们将是有意义的。
- 单击常规上的格式化此文件按钮。这将使您的代码更易于阅读。
- 注意javascript控制台。当它开始发出警告时,不要忽略它,修复它们。
这是 p5.js 的示例全局注释(可能并不详尽):
/* globals ADD, ALT, ARROW, AUDIO, AUTO, AXES, BACKSPACE, BASELINE, BEVEL, BEZIER, BLEND, BLUR, BOLD, BOLDITALIC, BOTTOM, BURN, CENTER, CHORD, CLAMP, CLOSE, CONTROL, CORNER, CORNERS, CROSS, CURVE, DARKEST, DEGREES, DEG_TO_RAD, DELETE, DIFFERENCE, DILATE, DODGE, DOWN_ARROW, ENTER, ERODE, ESCAPE, EXCLUSION, FALLBACK, FILL, GRAY, GRID, HALF_PI, HAND, HARD_LIGHT, HSB, HSL, IMAGE, IMMEDIATE, INVERT, ITALIC, LABEL, LANDSCAPE, LEFT, LEFT_ARROW, LIGHTEST, LINEAR, LINES, LINE_LOOP, LINE_STRIP, MIRROR, MITER, MOVE, MULTIPLY, NEAREST, NORMAL, OPAQUE, OPEN, OPTION, OVERLAY, P2D, PI, PIE, POINTS, PORTRAIT, POSTERIZE, PROJECT, QUADRATIC, QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, QUARTER_PI, RADIANS, RADIUS, RAD_TO_DEG, REMOVE, REPEAT, REPLACE, RETURN, RGB, RIGHT, RIGHT_ARROW, ROUND, SCREEN, SHIFT, SOFT_LIGHT, SQUARE, STROKE, SUBTRACT, TAB, TAU, TESS, TEXT, TEXTURE, THRESHOLD, TOP, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TWO_PI, UP_ARROW, VIDEO, WAIT, WEBGL, accelerationX, accelerationY, accelerationZ, deltaTime, deviceOrientation, displayHeight, displayWidth, focused, frameCount, height, isKeyPressed, key, keyCode, keyIsPressed, mouseButton, mouseIsPressed, mouseX, mouseY, movedX, movedY, pAccelerationX, pAccelerationY, pAccelerationZ, pRotateDirectionX, pRotateDirectionY, pRotateDirectionZ, pRotationX, pRotationY, pRotationZ, pixels, pmouseX, pmouseY, pwinMouseX, pwinMouseY, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, touches, turnAxis, width, winMouseX, winMouseY, windowHeight, windowWidth, abs, acos, alpha, ambientLight, ambientMaterial, angleMode, append, applyMatrix, arc, arrayCopy, asin, atan, atan2, background, beginContour, beginShape, bezier, bezierDetail, bezierPoint, bezierTangent, bezierVertex, blend, blendMode, blue, boolean, box, brightness, byte, camera, ceil, char, circle, clear, clearStorage, color, colorMode, concat, cone, constrain, copy, cos, createA, createAudio, createButton, createCamera, createCanvas, createCapture, createCheckbox, createColorPicker, createDiv, createElement, createFileInput, createGraphics, createImage, createImg, createInput, createNumberDict, createP, createRadio, createSelect, createShader, createSlider, createSpan, createStringDict, createVector, createVideo, createWriter, cursor, curve, curveDetail, curvePoint, curveTangent, curveTightness, curveVertex, cylinder, day, debugMode, degrees, describe, describeElement, directionalLight, displayDensity, dist, downloadFile, ellipse, ellipseMode, ellipsoid, emissiveMaterial, endContour, endShape, erase, exitPointerLock, exp, fill, filter, float, floor, fract, frameRate, frustum, fullscreen, get, getFrameRate, getItem, getURL, getURLParams, getURLPath, green, gridOutput, hex, hour, httpDo, httpGet, httpPost, hue, image, imageMode, int, isLooping, join, keyIsDown, lerp, lerpColor, lightFalloff, lightness, lights, line, loadBytes, loadFont, loadImage, loadJSON, loadModel, loadPixels, loadShader, loadStrings, loadTable, loadXML, log, loop, mag, map, match, matchAll, max, millis, min, minute, model, month, nf, nfc, nfp, nfs, noCanvas, noCursor, noDebugMode, noErase, noFill, noLights, noLoop, noSmooth, noStroke, noTint, noise, noiseDetail, noiseSeed, norm, normalMaterial, orbitControl, ortho, perspective, pixelDensity, plane, point, pointLight, pop, popMatrix, popStyle, pow, print, push, pushMatrix, pushStyle, quad, quadraticVertex, radians, random, randomGaussian, randomSeed, rect, rectMode, red, redraw, registerPromisePreload, removeElements, removeItem, requestPointerLock, resetMatrix, resetShader, resizeCanvas, reverse, rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, round, saturation, save, saveCanvas, saveFrames, saveGif, saveJSON, saveJSONArray, saveJSONObject, saveStrings, saveTable, scale, second, select, selectAll, set, setAttributes, setCamera, setFrameRate, setMoveThreshold, setShakeThreshold, shader, shearX, shearY, shininess, shorten, shuffle, sin, smooth, sort, specularColor, specularMaterial, sphere, splice, split, splitTokens, spotLight, sq, sqrt, square, storeItem, str, stroke, strokeCap, strokeJoin, strokeWeight, subset, tan, text, textAlign, textAscent, textDescent, textFont, textLeading, textOutput, textSize, textStyle, textWidth, texture, textureMode, textureWrap, tint, torus, translate, triangle, trim, unchar, unhex, updatePixels, vertex, writeFile, year */