正如标题所述,我使用的是 es6 类,但是因为除了 main.js 文件之外它们都不是模块,因此很难使用 API,因为我无法使用导入模块。

我使用了此链接答案中的代码:如何添加 Three.js PointerLockControl?并将代码粘贴到一个 js 文件中,在我的 HTML 中调用它,但我收到一条错误消息:

未捕获的 ReferenceError:PointerLockControls 未定义

当我引用它时,它并没有开始上课。我试图将它链接到 GitHub 原始代码,但它也没有找到它。

这是我的 index.html 代码(只有一行引用了 GitHub 原始代码):

<!-- This html file is what the browser shows when we run index.js on port 5000. Therefore our display of our game-->
<!DOCTYPE html>

        <!-- SCRIPTS-->
        <!--Loads three.js into our game-->
        <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r128/three.js"> </script>
        <!--Loads orbit controls around player-->
        <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/master/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
        <!--Loads gltf files (our blender files)-->
        <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/master/examples/js/loaders/GLTFLoader.js"></script>
        <!--Pointer lock controls-->
        <script src="https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/dev/examples/js/controls/PointerLockControls.js"></script>

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
            body { margin: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden}


        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
        <script src="./important/THREEx.KeyboardState.js" ></script>
        <script src="./important/FirstPersonControls.js" ></script>
        <script src="./js/CharacterControls.js" ></script>

        <!--Lighting models-->
        <script src="./js/sceneSubjects/lighting/GeneralLights.js" ></script>

        <!--add models to scene-->
        <!--Subject (model) scripts-->

        <!--This is our main blender house-->
        <script src="./js/sceneSubjects/House.js" ></script>
        <!--Our character model file (not complete due to loading issues with fbx)-->
        <script src="./js/sceneSubjects/characters/MainChar.js"  ></script>

        <!--Just a demo for you to see how this works-->
        <script src="./js/sceneSubjects/objects/SceneSubject.js" ></script>

        <!--Block to test raycasting -->
        <script src="./js/sceneSubjects/characters/TestBlock.js" ></script>

        <!--Load the scene manager-->
        <script src="./js/EntityManager.js" ></script>
       <script src="./js/SceneManager.js" ></script>
            <script src = "./js/Time.js" ></script>
        <!--Load our main.js function-->
        <script type="module" src="./js/main2.js"></script>


//Global Variables
var generalLights = new GeneralLights();
var house = new House();
var sceneSubject = new SceneSubject();
var testBlock = new TestBlock();
var mainChar = new MainChar(testBlock);

class SceneManager {

    constructor(canvas) {
        //this entire function renders a scene where you can add as many items as you want to it (e.g. we can create the house and add as
        //many items as we want to the house). It renders objects from other JavaScript files
        //These are supposed to act like constants. DO NOT CHANGE
        this.GAME_PAUSE = "pause";
        this.GAME_RUN = "run";

        //we use (this) to make variables accessible in other classes
        this.time = new Time();

        this.game_state = this.GAME_RUN;

        this.screenDimensions = {
            width: canvas.width,
            height: canvas.height

        //the essentials for rendering a scene
        this.scene = this.buildScene();
        this.renderer = this.buildRender(this.screenDimensions);
        this.camera = this.buildCamera(this.screenDimensions);
        controls = new PointerLockControls( this.camera, document.body );
       // this.scene.add(controls.getObject());
        this.managers = this.createManagers();

        //Allow camera to orbit target (player) - OrbitPlayer Controls

        //this.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement);
        //this.controls.target.set(0, 20, 0);


        for (let i = 0 ; i < entities.length ; i++)
            console.log("before" +i.toString());
        //this function creates our scene
        buildScene() {
            //create a new scene
            const scene = new THREE.Scene();

            //set the scene's background-> in this case it is our skybox
            const loader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader();
            //it uses different textures per face of cube
            const texture = loader.load([
            scene.background = texture;

            //if we wanted it to be a color, it would have been this commented code:
            //scene.background = new THREE.Color("#000");
            return scene;

        //this creates a renderer for us
        buildRender({ width, height }) {

            const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
                canvas: canvas,
                antialias: true, alpha: true
            renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
            renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap;
            renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

            return renderer;

        //create a camera for the screen
        buildCamera({ width, height }) {

            //SETTING FIELD OF VIEW, ASPECT RATIO (which should generally be width/ height), NEAR AND FAR (anything outside near/ far is clipped)
            const aspectRatio = width / height;
            const fieldOfView = 60;
            const nearPlane = 1;
            const farPlane = 1000;

            //there are 2 types of cameras: orthographic and perspective- we will use perspective (more realistic)
            const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane);
            //Set camera initial position to main character
            let pos = mainChar.returnWorldPosition();

            return camera;

        //add subjects to the scene
        createManagers() {

            const managers=[new EntityManager()];
            //can be altered so we can add multiple entities, and depending on which position
            //it is, certain ones won't be paused, and some will be

            //Note that these variables are declared globally before the class definition
            /*This is so that we can use any of these object's methods or values later somewhere else*/

            return managers;

        updateCameraPosition() {
          //Match camera position and direction to the character's position and direction
            let pos = mainChar.returnWorldPosition();
            let dir = mainChar.returnObjectDirection();
            //Set y to 10 to move camera closer to head-height

        //this updates the subject/model every frame
        update() {

            //won't call this loop if it's paused-> only for objects that need to be paused (managers that need to be paused)
            if (this.game_state == this.GAME_RUN)
                const runTime = this.time.getRunTime();

            //update orbit controls


            this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);

        //this resizes our game when screen size changed
        onWindowResize() {

            this.camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;

            this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


        pause(){ //when pause mode is entered. The pause menu needs to be rendered.
            this.game_state = this.GAME_PAUSE;


            this.game_state = this.GAME_RUN;



1 回答 1


我将所有 es6 类都更改为 es6 模块,并使用了 import。我认为没有使用 cdn 或原始 git 脚本的解决方案。

于 2021-05-26T18:31:28.823 回答