第 5 行:
DIMENSION MMO(12)/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/
第 7、8 行:
DEFINE FILE 4(ANSI,FB,140,3360,0)
DEFINE FILE 7(SDF, ,42,42)
第 119 行:
1905 FORMAT(J2,J4,J2,29I5)
Lahey-Fujistu 95 说:
1116-S: "fz32.f", line 5, column 24: Comma expected.
1110-S: "fz32.f", line 5, column 28: Missing name.
1336-S: "fz32.f", line 7, column 7: DEFINE FILE statement not supported.
1336-S: "fz32.f", line 8, column 7: DEFINE FILE statement not supported.
1511-S: "fz32.f", line 119: Invalid character string 'J' found in format specification.
1515-S: "fz32.f", line 119: Edit descriptor must be specified after the repeat specification in a format specification.
gfortran 77 说:
DIMENSION MMO(12)/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/
Invalid form for DIMENSION statement at (^)
DEFINE FILE 4(ANSI,FB,140,3360,0)
1 2
Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
DEFINE FILE 7(SDF, ,42,42)
1 2
Unrecognized statement name at (1) and invalid form for assignment or statement-function definition at (2)
1905 FORMAT(J2,J4,J2,29I5)
Unrecognized FORMAT specifier at (^)
1905 FORMAT(J2,J4,J2,29I5)
Unrecognized FORMAT specifier at (^)
1905 FORMAT(J2,J4,J2,29I5)
Unrecognized FORMAT specifier at (^)
gcc 失败并出现类似错误。
此外,在第 7 行和第 8 行,ANSI 和 SDF 没有在代码的前面定义。这些线路是如何工作的?我希望它们能够格式化标志,但我在任何地方都没有看到记录。