
   My issue is, when I see the path tracked by user, the path seems to be correctly plotted but, when I have a first look over the map,it does not show me an entire zoomed out view of the map where I can see all the track path. Instead the map begins with from where I started tracking and then I need to scroll all my way to see the further tracks.

请帮忙。:) 提前致谢。


1 回答 1


使用MapController.zoomToSpan(...),您可以从 ItemizedOverlay 方法getLatSpan(int)getLonSpan(int)中获取跨度。zoomToSpan(...) 是一种尽力而为的方法,并不保证所有点都可见。

于 2011-07-20T16:47:02.273 回答