Dim aaItems : aaItems = Array( _
Array( "small", "med", "lg", "xl" ) _
, Array( "red", "blue", "green", "white" ) _
, Array( "pocket", "no-pocket" ) _
Dim oOdoDemo : Set oOdoDemo = New cOdoDemo.init( aaItems )
oOdoDemo.run 33
0: small red pocket
1: small red no-pocket
2: small blue pocket
3: small blue no-pocket
4: small green pocket
5: small green no-pocket
6: small white pocket
7: small white no-pocket
8: med red pocket
9: med red no-pocket
10: med blue pocket
11: med blue no-pocket
12: med green pocket
13: med green no-pocket
14: med white pocket
15: med white no-pocket
16: lg red pocket
17: lg red no-pocket
18: lg blue pocket
19: lg blue no-pocket
20: lg green pocket
21: lg green no-pocket
22: lg white pocket
23: lg white no-pocket
24: xl red pocket
25: xl red no-pocket
26: xl blue pocket
27: xl blue no-pocket
28: xl green pocket
29: xl green no-pocket
30: xl white pocket
31: xl white no-pocket
32: small red pocket
如果这看起来像是解决您的问题的种子,请直接说出来,我将发布 cOdoDemo 类的代码。
cOdoDemo 的代码:
'' cOdoDemo - Q&D combinations generator (odometer approach)
' based on ideas from:
' !! http://www.quickperm.org/index.php
' !! http://www.ghettocode.net/perl/Buzzword_Generator
' !! http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/107837-vb6-combinatorics-lottery-problem/
' !! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/127704/algorithm-to-return-all-combinations-of-k-elements-from-n
Class cOdoDemo
Private m_nPlaces ' # of places/slots/digits/indices
Private m_nPlacesUB ' UBound (for VBScript only)
Private m_aLasts ' last index for each place => carry on
Private m_aDigits ' the digits/indices to spin around
Private m_aaItems ' init: AoA containing the elements to spin
Private m_aWords ' one result: array of combined
Private m_nPos ' current increment position
'' init( aaItems ) - use AoA of 'words' in positions to init the
'' odometer
Public Function init( aaItems )
Set init = Me
m_aaItems = aaItems
m_nPlacesUB = UBound( m_aaItems )
m_nPlaces = m_nPlacesUB + 1
ReDim m_aLasts( m_nPlacesUB )
ReDim m_aDigits( m_nPlacesUB )
ReDim m_aWords( m_nPlacesUB )
Dim nRow
For nRow = 0 To m_nPlacesUB
Dim nCol
For nCol = 0 To UBound( m_aaItems( nRow ) )
m_aaItems( nRow )( nCol ) = m_aaItems( nRow )( nCol )
m_aLasts( nRow ) = nCol - 1
End Function ' init
'' reset() - start afresh: all indices/digit set to 0 (=> first word), next
'' increment at utmost right
Public Sub reset()
For m_nPos = 0 To m_nPlacesUB
m_aDigits( m_nPos ) = 0
m_nPos = m_nPlacesUB
End Sub ' reset
'' tick() - increment the current position and deal with carry
Public Sub tick()
m_aDigits( m_nPos ) = m_aDigits( m_nPos ) + 1
If m_aDigits( m_nPos ) > m_aLasts( m_nPos ) Then ' carry to left
For m_nPos = m_nPos - 1 To 0 Step -1
m_aDigits( m_nPos ) = m_aDigits( m_nPos ) + 1
If m_aDigits( m_nPos ) <= m_aLasts( m_nPos ) Then ' carry done
Exit For
End If
For m_nPos = m_nPos + 1 To m_nPlacesUB ' zero to right
m_aDigits( m_nPos ) = 0
m_nPos = m_nPlacesUB ' next increment at utmost right
End If
End Sub ' tick
'' map() - build result array by getting the 'words' for the
'' indices in the current 'digits'
Private Sub map()
Dim nIdx
For nIdx = 0 To m_nPlacesUB
m_aWords( nIdx ) = m_aaItems( nIdx )( m_aDigits( nIdx ) )
End Sub ' map
'' run( nMax ) - reset the odometer, tick/increment it nMax times and
'' display the mapped/translated result
Public Sub run( nMax )
Dim oPad : Set oPad = New cPad.initWW( Len( CStr( nMax ) ) + 1, "L" )
Dim nCnt
For nCnt = 0 To nMax - 1
WScript.Echo oPad.pad( nCnt ) & ":", Join( m_aWords )
End Sub ' run
End Class ' cOdoDemo
一些提示/备注:想想一个里程表,它按数字顺序生成 6(7?)个位置/数字的所有组合。现在想象一个里程表,它可以让您为每个位置/插槽指定一个序列/有序的“数字”/单词/项目集。此规范由 aaItems 完成。
这是 cPad 的代码,在 .run() 中使用:
''= cPad - Q&D padding
Class cPad
Private m_nW
Private m_sW
Private m_sS
Private m_nW1
Public Function initWW( nW, sW )
m_nW = nW
m_nW1 = m_nW + 1
m_sW = UCase( sW )
m_sS = Space( nW )
Set initWW = Me
End Function
Public Function initWWC( nW, sW, sC )
Set initWWC = initWW( nW, sW )
m_sS = String( nW, sC )
End Function
Public Function pad( vX )
Dim sX : sX = CStr( vX )
Dim nL : nL = Len( sX )
If nL > m_nW Then
Err.Raise 4711, "cPad::pad()", "too long: " & nL & " > " & m_nW
End If
Select Case m_sW
Case "L"
pad = Right( m_sS & sX, m_nW )
Case "R"
pad = Left( sX & m_sS, m_nW )
Case "C"
pad = Mid( m_sS & sX & m_sS, m_nW1 - ((m_nW1 - nL) \ 2), m_nW )
Case Else
Err.Raise 4711, "cPad::pad() Unknown m_sW: '" & m_sW & "'"
End Select
End Function
End Class ' cPad