我正在尝试使用 FParsec 解析标准的简单类型(在 lambda 演算的意义上),但是我很难从 Lex/Yacc 样式转换为 FParsec 中使用的样式,特别是在递归定义方面。


  • o->o
  • (o -> o -> o) -> o


    type SType =
      | Atom
      | Arrow of SType * SType

    let ws = spaces
    let stype, styperef = createParserForwardedToRef()

    let atom = pchar 'o' .>> ws |>> (fun _ -> Atom)

    let arrow = pipe2 (stype .>> (pstring "->" .>> ws)) 
                      (fun t1 t2 -> Arrow (t1,t2))

    let arr = parse {
                let! t1 = stype
                do!  ws
                let! _  = pstring "->"
                let! t2 = stype
                do!  ws
                return Arrow (t1,t2)

    styperef := choice [ pchar '(' >>. stype .>> pchar ')';
                         atom ]

    let _ = run stype "o -> o"`

当我将其加载到交互式时,最后一行会导致堆栈溢出(具有讽刺意味的是,这些天很难搜索)。鉴于存在递归引用,我可以想象为什么,但我会认为一个标记前瞻会阻止遵循stype. 因此,我假设它必须是选择arr,选择stype,等等。但是如何防止这种循环呢?



2 回答 2


当您使用 FParsec 时,您需要借助序列组合器而不是左递归来解析序列。在您的情况下,您可以例如使用sepBy1组合器:

open FParsec

type SType =
     | Atom
     | Arrow of SType * SType

let ws = spaces : Parser<unit, unit>
let str_ws s = pstring s >>. ws

let stype, stypeRef = createParserForwardedToRef()

let atom = str_ws "o" >>% Atom

let elem = atom <|> between (str_ws "(") (str_ws ")") stype

do stypeRef:= sepBy1 elem (str_ws "->") 
              |>> List.reduceBack (fun t1 t2 -> Arrow(t1, t2))

let _ = run stype "o -> o"
于 2011-07-20T21:04:51.813 回答

这运行,但可能被黑客攻击太多。这些type Parser...东西来自 FParsec 文档,以避免编译器错误。

type SType = 
    | Atom 
    | Arrow of SType * SType

type UserState = unit
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>

let ws = spaces

let atom : Parser<_> = pchar 'o' .>> ws |>> (fun _ -> Atom)

let rec term =
    parse {
        // Force something to come before another term.  Either
        // an atom, or a term in parens.
        let! first = choice [atom;
                             (pstring "(" .>> ws) >>. term .>> 
                              (pstring ")" .>> ws)]

        // Check if this is an arrow.  If not, just return first.
        let! res = choice [((pstring "->") .>> ws) >>. term |>> (fun x ->
                               Arrow (first, x));
                           preturn first]
        return res
于 2011-07-20T17:13:00.490 回答