我正在尝试创建一个演示来连接我使用 EPIC(EMR) 创建的新 Azure FHIR api,以便以批处理模式摄取数据,我无法找出设置该摄取管道所需的所有组件/部件. 可用视频中显示的示例与手动抽取数据有关。我想实现类似 Web-Jobs 方法的东西。我不需要确切的代码或非常详细的解决方案。只是如果我可以拥有组件列表以及它们将以何种方式连接以使这个摄取管道工作。
1 回答
If you are looking for Epic-specific support, I'd recommend reaching out to open@epic.com, (Epic's free, public support option), joining App Orchard (Epic's paid support option), or working with the healthcare organization's IT team directly.
That said, if you are looking at extracting data from Epic, and loading it into the Azure data warehouse (I'm reading between the lines and guessing your use case), we've heard of several folks looking to do that. Right now, there is not a good FHIR-based method of doing data warehouse synchronization that is supported by Epic. There are good non-FHIR options though (SQL extracts or HL7v2 event driven messaging). If you are using the Azure FHIR storage option, you'll need to do a data transform, but that is a far better option than trying to use an inferior exchange paradigm.