select distinct DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, m.Receive_date), 0) as Date,
(select count(*) from Raw_Mats A where DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, A.Receive_date), 0)=DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, m.Receive_date), 0)) as Total,
(select count(*) from Raw_Mats B where DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, B.Receive_date), 0)=DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, m.Receive_date), 0) and B.status='Solved') as Delivered,
(select count(*) from Raw_Mats C where DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, C.Receive_date), 0)=DateAdd(Day, DateDiff(Day, 0, m.Receive_date), 0) and C.status='Pending') as UnDelivered
from Raw_Mats m where m.Receive_date between '2011-07-01' and '2011-07-21'
如何提高上述查询的性能。它需要 44 秒。想让它少于 10 秒