您可以通过首先将字典转换为类对象形式来创建 Merkle 树,然后递归遍历树,对子节点哈希的总和进行哈希处理。由于 Merkle 树需要单个根节点,因此任何在最顶层具有多个键的输入字典都应成为空根节点的子字典(默认键为None
data_example = {
"key1": "val1",
"key2": [1, 2, 3],
"key3": {
"subkey1": "subval1",
"subkey2": "subval2",
"subkey3": "subval3",
class MTree:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key, self.hash = key, None
self.children = value if not isinstance(value, (dict, list)) else self.__class__.build(value, False)
def compute_hashes(self):
#build hashes up from the bottom
if not isinstance(self.children, list):
self.hash = hash(self.children)
self.hash = hash(sum([i.compute_hashes() for i in self.children]))
return self.hash
def update_kv(self, k, v):
#recursively update a value in the tree with an associated key
if self.key == k:
self.children = v
elif isinstance(self.children, list):
_ = [i.update_kv(k, v) for i in self.children]
def update_tree(self, payload):
#update key-value pairs in the tree from payload
for a, b in payload.items():
self.update_kv(a, b)
self.compute_hashes() #after update is complete, recompute the hashes
def build(cls, dval, root=True):
#convert non-hashible values to strings
vals = [i if isinstance(i, (list, tuple)) else (None, i) for i in getattr(dval, 'items', lambda :dval)()]
if root:
if len(vals) > 1:
return cls(None, dval)
return cls(vals[0][0], vals[0][-1])
return [cls(a, b) for a, b in vals]
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.hash}, {repr(self.children)})'
tree = MTree.build(data_example) #create the basic tree with the input dictionary
_ = tree.compute_hashes() #get the hashes for each node (predicated on its children)
MTree(-1231139208667999673, [MTree(-8069796171680625903, 'val1'), MTree(6, [MTree(1, 1), MTree(2, 2), MTree(3, 3)]), MTree(-78872064628455629, [MTree(-8491910191379857244, 'subval1'), MTree(1818926376495655970, 'subval2'), MTree(1982425731828357743, 'subval3')])])
tree.update_tree({"key1": "newVal1"})
MTree(1039734050960246293, [MTree(5730292134016089818, 'newVal1'), MTree(6, [MTree(1, 1), MTree(2, 2), MTree(3, 3)]), MTree(-78872064628455629, [MTree(-8491910191379857244, 'subval1'), MTree(1818926376495655970, 'subval2'), MTree(1982425731828357743, 'subval3')])])