这是我第一次发帖,我遇到了很多问题。与大多数希望他们的代码执行命令并等待它完成的人不同,我想在一个完全独立的新终端窗口中启动它。这是使用 Python HTTP 服务器,在终端窗口关闭之前,我无法在不暂停主线程的情况下运行它。我尝试了subprocess.call
, subprocess.Popen
, subprocess.run
, os.system
python trigger.py "" "8080" "EatThisHackers!!!!" "python requesthandler.py"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# When triggered via a HTTP request, execute a command.
# Written by Senko Rasic <senko.rasic@goodcode.io>
# Released into Public Domain. Use it as you like.
# Usage: python trigger.py <host> <port> <key> <command>...
# HTTP GET and POST requests are supported. If you need more verbs or need
# to disable one of the two, edit the script. The request should have a
# "key" argument (via query string if GET, or body (urlencoded form) if POST),
# and the trigger is only activated if the key matches what's given on the
# command line.
# The command given on the commandline is executed (along with any arguments
# if given). If the command exits successfully (exit status 0), HTTP response
# code 200 is returned to the user, otherwise 500 is returned.
# Host is usually (unless you want to listen only on a specific
# address/interface), port is the TCP port to listen on, key is the key
# that the client will have to supply to authorize the trigger, and the
# command is what should be executed.
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from subprocess import call, check_output, CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE
import sys
class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
key = None
command = []
def _parse_request(self):
parsed_req = urlparse(self.path)
args = parse_qs(parsed_req.query)
if self.headers.get('content-type', '') \
== 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
body = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.get('content-length')))
args = parse_qs(body)
##args = dict((k, v[0]) for k, v in args.iteritems())
return (parsed_req.path, args)
def do_POST(self):
path, args = self._parse_request()
self.do('POST', path, args)
def do_GET(self):
path, args = self._parse_request()
self.do('GET', path, args)
def do(self, method, path, args):
if args.get("key") is None:
key = None
key = args.get("key")[0]
if args.get("servernumber") is None:
servernumber = None
servernumber = args.get("servernumber")[0]
if key != RequestHandler.key:
self.send_error(400, 'Bad Request')
output = check_output(RequestHandler.command[0] + " " + str(servernumber))
except CalledProcessError as e:
output = b'Error!'
if output != b'':
print("Process pre-lim status %s" % (output))
retval = output.decode()
retval = 0
print("Process status: ", retval)
if retval == 0:
self.send_response(200, "Command success!")
elif retval == "Server already running\r\n":
self.send_error(409, "Server already running")
self.send_error(500, 'Trigger command failed')
def run(host, port, key, *command):
RequestHandler.key = key
RequestHandler.command = command
server = HTTPServer((host, port), RequestHandler)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <host> <port> <key> <cmd> ...\n' %
run(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), sys.argv[3], *sys.argv[4:])
from subprocess import call, check_output, Popen, run
import sys, os
if __name__ == '__main__':
def windowCheck(windowName):
## return not check_output("tasklist /fi \"windowtitle eq {}\"".format(windowName)).decode() == 'INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria.\r\n'
return False
req_args = str(sys.argv[1])
# print("Our results: ", req_args)
if req_args == "1" and not windowCheck("Stonkville Server"):
os.system(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "cmd.exe", "/c", "c:/users/jonat/documents/stonkville server/run.bat"], shell=True)
elif req_args == "1" and windowCheck("Stonkville Server"):
print("Server already running")
elif req_args == "2" and not windowCheck("Friend MC Server"):
os.system(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "cmd.exe", "/c", "c:/users/jonat/documents/friend mc server/run.bat"], shell=True)
elif req_args == "2" and windowCheck("Friend MC Server"):
print("Server already running")
elif req_args == "3" and not windowCheck("Hardcore Server"):
run("cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe /c start cmd.exe /k", shell=True)
## Popen(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "cmd.exe", "/c", "c:/users/jonat/documents/hardcore server/run.bat"], shell=True)
elif req_args == "3" and windowCheck("Hardcore Server"):
print("Server already running")
elif req_args == "-1":
call(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "/wait", "cmd.exe", "/c", "StonkvilleShutdown.exe"])
elif req_args == "-2":
call(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "cmd.exe", "/c", "FriendShutdown.exe"])
elif req_args == "-3":
call(["cmd.exe", "/c", "start", "cmd.exe", "/c", "SurvivalShutdown.exe"])