

SELECT f.*, g.* 
  FROM fieldSites f  LEFT OUTER JOIN gpcp_precipitation2 g
    ON f.date = g.year 
   AND f.d_lat = g.lat
 WHERE f.d_lon = g.lon; 



FROM fieldSites
INNER JOIN gpcp_precipitation2 
  ON (fieldSites.d_lon = gpcp_precipitation2.lon 
  AND fieldSites.d_lat = gpcp_precipitation2.lat 
  AND fieldSites.date = gpcp_precipitation2.year);


我想转储到一个 .csv 文件,但现在我只想执行一个成功的查询。


left table: fieldSites

siteId  d_lat  d_lon   year  data1  data2  country      
  1     -13.75  18.75   2009  0.598  0.351  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2008  0.654  0.330  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2007  0.489  0.381  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2006  0.554  0.389  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2005  0.321  0.321  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2004  0.598  0.351  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2003  0.654  0.330  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2002  0.489  0.381  Angola       
  1     -13.75  18.75   2001  0.554  0.389  Angola       
  2     -78.75  163.75  2009  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   
  2     -78.75  163.75  2008  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   
  2     -78.75  163.75  2007  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   
  2     -78.75  163.75  2006  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   
  2     -78.75  163.75  2005  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   
...1052 sites, 11 years, 11496 rows

right table: gpcp_precipitation2

siteId   lat    lon   year  precipitation
1        81.5   1.25  2009  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2008  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2007  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2006  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2005  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2004  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2003  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2002  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2001  93.36571912   
1        81.5   1.25  2000  93.36571912   
1        81.5   3.75  2009  93.36571912 
1        81.5   3.75  2008  93.36571912   
1        81.5   3.75  2007  93.36571912

... 92300 rows  


siteId  d_lat  d_lon   year  data1  data2  country      precipitation  
  1     13.75  18.75   2009  0.598  0.351  Angola       144.286
  1     13.75  18.75   2008  0.654  0.330  Angola       114.970
  1     13.75  18.75   2007  0.489  0.381  Angola       70.000
  1     13.75  18.75   2006  0.554  0.389  Angola       174.179
  1     13.75  18.75   2005  0.321  0.321  Angola       174.743
  1     13.75  18.75   2004  0.598  0.351  Angola       70.506
  1     13.75  18.75   2003  0.654  0.330  Angola       173.716
  1     13.75  18.75   2002  0.489  0.381  Angola       74.162
  1     13.75  18.75   2001  0.554  0.389  Angola       139.445
  2     78.75  163.75  2009  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   0
  2     78.75  163.75  2008  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   0
  2     78.75  163.75  2007  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   0
  2     78.75  163.75  2006  0.285  0.155  Antarctica   0



3 回答 3

Select fieldSites.*, precipitation.*
From fieldSites
Inner Join gpcp_precipitation2 As precipitation On precipitation.siteId = fieldSites.siteId
    fieldSites.d_year = precipitation.year And
    fieldSites.d_lat = precipitation.lat And
    fieldSites.d_lon = precipitation.lon

如果该查询超时,则您有索引问题,不一定是查询问题。这在 where 子句中为您提供了几个要过滤的谓词,因此它应该会大大减少您的连接,但您可能需要在两个表上都包含 siteId、year、lat 和 lon 的索引。

于 2011-07-20T05:51:24.413 回答

(date, d_lat, d_lon)为第一个表添加索引,(year, lat, lon)为第二个表添加索引。然后,尝试连接。


FROM fieldSites
INNER JOIN gpcp_precipitation2 
  ON  fieldSites.d_lon = gpcp_precipitation2.lon 
  AND fieldSites.d_lat = gpcp_precipitation2.lat 
  AND fieldSites.date = gpcp_precipitation2.year ;

既然您已经添加了一些索引,您还可以发布上述查询计划吗?(使用EXPLAIN SELECT ...

于 2011-07-20T05:49:48.320 回答
FROM fieldSites
INNER JOIN gpcp_precipitation2 
  ON (fieldSites.d_lon = gpcp_precipitation2.lon 
  AND fieldSites.d_lat = gpcp_precipitation2.lat 
  AND fieldSites.date = gpcp_precipitation2.year);


AND fieldSites.date = gpcp_precipitation2.year);

根据您的表格,这应该是 fieldSites.year 是错字还是错误?

于 2011-07-20T05:48:26.287 回答