我目前正在为 Raspberry Pi 开发 Python 中的网络广播播放器。功能很简单:在用户输入时,程序从预定义列表中随机选择一个 URL 广播流,并通过 omxplayer 作为子进程开始播放它。
import simpleaudio as sa
import random
import sys, termios, tty, os
import subprocess
radioList = ["https://edge126.rcs-rds.ro/profm/profm.mp3", "https://live.guerrillaradio.ro:8443/guerrilla.aac", "http://aska.ru-hoster.com:8053/autodj", "https://live.rockfm.ro/rockfm.aacp", "https://live.magicfm.ro/magicfm.aacp", "http://zuicast.digitalag.ro:9420/zu"]
class AudioPlayer: # used only for playing noise.wav until radio stream starts
def __init__(self):
self.play_obj = None
def play(self, filename):
if not self.is_done():
wave_obj = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file(filename)
self.play_obj = wave_obj.play()
def stop(self):
def is_done(self):
if self.play_obj:
return not self.play_obj.is_playing()
return True
def getRandomURL(radioList): # returns random URL from provided list
r = random.randint(1, len(radioList)) - 1
return radioList[r]
def getch(): # reads input character from stdin
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
return ch
noisePlayer = AudioPlayer() # create audio instance
omxprocess = ""
while True:
char = getch()
if(char == "p"):
if omxprocess != "":
omxprocess = subprocess.Popen(['omxplayer', getRandomURL(radioList)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # you should change 'omxplayer' to 'cvlc' or 'mplayer' if you're not running this code on a raspi
# noisePlayer.play("noise.wav") # this file should be played from the moment the above process is started until the radio stream is actually loaded and starts playing
if(char == "x"):
if omxprocess != "":
但是,我在 Raspberry Pi Zero 上运行此代码,通常需要 3-4 秒(甚至更长时间)才能开始播放流。我想做的是播放本地音频文件(本例中为noise.wav,可以在以下位置生成:https ://www.random.org/audio-noise/ )直到流开始的确切时刻播放,因此在通勤广播电台之间不会有无声的死亡时刻。我的问题是我不知道如何实现这样的事情,因为当媒体流实际加载并开始播放时,我没有发现任何由 omxplayer 触发的信号或事件,也没有发现 vlc 或 mplayer。
然而,我确实发现 omxplayer 会向 stdout 发送一些信息,这些信息会在流开始播放时准确打印出来(vlc 和 mplayer 也是如此)。这是一个例子:
pi@raspi:~ $ omxplayer https://live.rockfm.ro/rockfm.aacp
Audio codec aac channels 2 samplerate 44100 bitspersample 16
Subtitle count: 0, state: off, index: 1, delay: 0
have a nice day ;)
pi@raspi:~ $
我很好奇是否有某种方法可以使用此输出作为触发器来阻止noisePlayer 播放(使用noisePlayer.stop()),或者是否有任何其他方法可以在无线电流开始播放时触发noisePlayer.stop()?我尝试过的一个选项是使用线程模块中的 Timer 功能,但它通常与可以更快开始播放的无线电流重叠:
Timer(0.5, noisePlayer.play, ["noise.wav"]).start()
Timer(1.5, noisePlayer.stop).start()
我发现的唯一一篇关于我关注的文章是:Python 与 omxplayer 通信 但是,它并没有完全回答我的问题。