我的最终目标是在给定文本文件的情况下创建一个原始的抄袭检查器。我计划首先按句子拆分数据,在 Google 上搜索每个句子,最后搜索 Google 返回的前几个 URL 中的每一个,以查找句子/子字符串的出现。这最后一步是我遇到麻烦的一步。

在 for 循环中运行每个 URL 时,我首先使用 urllib.open() 读取 URL 的内容,但我不确定之后要做什么。代码附在下面,我尝试过的一些解决方案被注释掉了。我已经导入了googlesearchurllib.requestre库。

def plagCheck():

    global inpFile

    with open(inpFile) as data:
        sentences = data.read().split(".")

    for sentence in sentences:
        for url in search(sentence, tld='com', lang='en', num=5, start=0, stop=5, pause=2.0):
            content = urlopen(url).read()

            # if sentence in content:
            #     print("yes")
            # else:
            #     print("no")

            # matches = findall(sentence, content)
            # if len(matches) == 0:
            #     print("no")
            # else:
            #     print("yes")



1 回答 1


如果我正确理解您的代码,您现在有两个 Python 句子列表。看起来您已经使用句点拆分了它们。这将为其他类型的标点符号(?,!)创建相当大的连续句子。

我会考虑使用相似性检查器库。Diflibb 有一个类似的类然后决定一些百分比来标记,即如果它是 40% 相同。这减少了您必须手动检查的内容量。


with open(inpFile) as data:
        # Replace all !, ? with .
        sentences = data.read().replace("!", ".").replace("?", ".").split(".")


# loop each sentence and run it through google
# Compare those two sentences with the sequence matcher linked above (Difflib) 
# Add them to a dictionary with the percent, url, and sentence in question
# Sample result
results = {"sentence_num": 0, "percent": 0.8, "url": "the google url found on", "original_sentence": "Red green fox over the wall"
outputStr = "<html>"
# loop the results and format the dictionary in a way that you can read. Ideally an HTML table with columns representing the keys above
outputStr += "<table>" # etc
with open(outputFile) as results:


80%及以上为红色 61-79%为橙色 40-60%为黄色 39%及以下为绿色

于 2021-05-13T18:11:21.713 回答