我正在尝试使我使用 Python 完成的日常工作自动化。使用 win32gui 库,我能够将光标放在某个位置、单击和发送键。在此任务期间,会弹出几个消息/对话框,询问某些问题是或否。我希望能够阅读消息框中的问题,但不知道我将如何处理它。谢谢
1 回答
Just to give you one possibility, you may be able to copy the full contents of a dialog box to the clipboard by sending a Ctrl-C
with sendkeys while focus is on the dialog. The contents of the clipboard will generally look something like this:
[Window Title]
If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable.
Are you sure you want to change it?
[Yes] [No]
from the pywin32
library allows you retrieve the contents of the clipboard so you can parse the text and respond, or do whatever else you need to do with it:
import win32con
import win32clipboard
text = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT)
except TypeError:
print('Error: No text on the clipboard!')
Unfortunately, there are some dialogs that can't be copied to the clipboard like this. I couldn't tell you the reason, but the Delete Confirmation dialog in Windows 7 is one of them.