我想映射字符串的不同部分,其中一些是可选的,其中一些始终存在。我正在使用 Calibre 的内置函数(基于 Python 正则表达式),但这是一个普遍的问题:我怎样才能在正则表达式中做到这一点?
!!Mixed Fortunes - An Economic History of China Russia and the West 0198703635 by Vladimir Popov (Jun 17, 2014 4_1).pdf
!Mixed Fortunes - An Economic History of China Russia and the West 0198703635 by Vladimir Popov (Jun 17, 2014 4_1).pdf
Mixed Fortunes - An Economic History of China Russia and the West 0198703635 by Vladimir Popov (Jun 17, 2014 4_1).pdf
!!Mixed Fortunes - An Economic History of China Russia and the West by Vladimir Popov (Jun 17, 2014 4_1).pdf
!!Mixed Fortunes - An Economic History of China Russia and the West by 1 Vladimir Popov (Jun 17, 2014 4_1).pdf
[importance markings if any, it can be '!' or '!!'][title][ISBN-10 if available]by[author]([publication date and other metadata]).[file type]
最后我创建了这个正则表达式,但它并不完美,因为如果出现 ISBN,标题也会包含 ISBN 部分......
这是我的沙箱:https ://regex101.com/r/K2FzpH/1