我设法将视频帧流式传输到 RTMP 服务器,但我也想流式传输音频 - 因为我不能使用 rawvideo 格式,现在我不知道 ffmpeg 视频需要多少字节发送到ffmpeg 流。
WIDTH = 1152
HEIGHT = 720
RTMP = ""
#Returns frame of a video
def read_frame(process1, width, height):
frame_size = width * height * 3 #<--- I don't know how many bytes should I ask for.
in_bytes = process1.stdout.read(frame_size)
if len(in_bytes) == 0:
return []
assert len(in_bytes) == frame_size
frame = (
.frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8)
.reshape([height, width, 3])
return frame
def getVideoOutput(in_filename):
args = (
.input(in_filename # Path to file
,loglevel="quiet"#Don't show ffmpegs logs
.output('pipe:', format='flv')#Outputs a pipe
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#Start stream
def startStream(width, height):
args = (
.input('pipe:', #Sats to ffmpeg that the input is a stream
format='flv'#Format of the video
,r="30"#Sets average fps
,s='{}x{}'.format(width, height)#Set the width and height of the input
,loglevel="quiet" #Don't show ffmpegs logs
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
#Writes frame to the stream
def write_frame(process2, frame):
#Gets frames from multiple videos
def getBytes():
for video in os.listdir(".\\Videos"):#Loops through videos in the videos folder
#while True:
#video = os.listdir(".\\Videos")[0]
videoPath = os.path.join(pathlib.Path().absolute(),"Videos",video)
pipe = getVideoOutput(videoPath) #Get a stream of bytes from the video
while True:
frame = read_frame(pipe,WIDTH,HEIGHT)#Get a frame
if frame == []:#If the video ends Go to the next one
yield frame#return the frame
stream = startStream(WIDTH,HEIGHT)#Starts stream to server and outputs a subprocess
FrameGenerator = getBytes()#Start generator
while True:
write_frame(stream,next(FrameGenerator))#infinite loop writes to the stream a frame