When you set ImageIndex (or ImageKey) for TabPage control image in tab's header is shown on the left.
How can i move it to the right?
When you set ImageIndex (or ImageKey) for TabPage control image in tab's header is shown on the left.
How can i move it to the right?
您需要将 DrawMode 属性设置为 OwnerDrawFixed 并实现 DrawItem 事件。MSDN Library 文章中有一个很好的例子。
抢占下一个问题:您需要为选项卡控件实现 MouseUp 事件并迭代选项卡,调用 GetTabRect()。这使您可以找出单击了哪个选项卡,然后确定鼠标单击是否在位图上。
may be if you want something like this, create close button on tabPage...