我正在使用 PowerShell 脚本来查找所有出现的正则表达式并将其输出到文件。对于这个问题,我有两个目标。
- 从列的值中删除前导空格
- 指定额外字段的宽度 (LineNumbers)
gci -recurse -include *.* | Select-String -pattern $regexPattern |`
Format-Table -GroupBy Name -Property Path, Line -AutoSize
Path Line
---- ----
C:\myRandomFile.txt This is line 1 and it is random text.
C:\myRandomFile.txt This is line 2 and it has leading white space.
C:\myNextRandomFile.txt This is line 3 and it has leading white space.
C:\myLastRandomFile.txt This is line 4.
这是因为文件有前导空格(实际上是缩进/制表符空格,但输出为空格)。我无法更改原始文件并删除前导空格,因为它们是我们的生产文件/SQL 脚本。
我想修剪 Line 列的前导空格,以便输出如下所示:
Path Line
---- ----
C:\myRandomFile.txt This is line 1 and it is random text.
C:\myRandomFile.txt This is line 2 and it has no leading white space.
C:\myNextRandomFile.txt This is line 3 and it has no leading white space.
C:\myLastRandomFile.txt This is line 4 and this is how it should look.
而且,如果我通过使用添加 LineNumbers 列
-property LineNumbers
那么 LineNumbers 列占据了行中大约一半的空间。我可以指定 LineNumbers 的宽度吗?我已经尝试过 -AutoSize 标志,但这似乎效果不佳。我试过了
LineNumber width=50
LineNumber -width 50
以及所有变体,但我得到了诸如“格式表:找不到与参数名称宽度= 50匹配的参数”之类的错误