以下 C++ 程序将为小型实例找到最佳解决方案。对于 10 个输入框尺寸,每个尺寸在 1..100 范围内随机选择,对于任何数量为 1..10 的框尺寸可供选择,它会在我的计算机上几秒钟内计算出答案。对于 15 个输入框大小,大约需要 10 秒。对于 20 个输入框大小,我可以在大约 3 分钟内计算多达 4 个选定的框大小,内存成为问题(它使用了大约 3GB)。我不得不增加链接器的默认堆栈大小以避免堆栈溢出。
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, array<int, 3> a) {
return os << '(' << a[0] << ", " << a[1] << ", " << a[2] << ')';
template <int N>
long long vol(array<int, N> b) {
return static_cast<long long>(b[0]) * b[1] * b[2];
template <int N, int M>
bool fits(array<int, N> a, array<int, M> b) {
return a[0] <= b[0] && a[1] <= b[1] && a[2] <= b[2];
// Compares first by volume, then lexicographically.
struct CompareByVolumeDesc {
bool operator()(array<int, 3> a, array<int, 3> b) const {
return vol(a) > vol(b) || vol(a) == vol(b) && a < b;
vector<array<int, 3>> candSizes;
struct State {
vector<array<int, 4>> req;
int n;
int k;
// Needed for map<>
bool operator<(State const& other) const {
return make_tuple(n, k, req) < make_tuple(other.n, other.k, other.req);
} dummy = { {}, -1, -1 };
map<State, pair<int, State>> memo;
// Compute the minimum volume required for the given list of box sizes if we use exactly k of the first n candidate box sizes.
pair<long long, State> solve(State const& s) {
if (empty(s.req)) return { 0, dummy };
if (s.k == 0 || s.k > s.n) return { LLONG_MAX / 4, dummy };
auto previousAnswer = memo.find(s);
if (previousAnswer != end(memo)) return (*previousAnswer).second;
// Try using the nth candidate box size.
int nFitting = 0;
vector<array<int, 4>> notFitting;
for (auto r : s.req) {
if (fits(r, candSizes[s.n - 1])) {
nFitting += r[3];
} else {
pair<long long, State> solution;
solution.second = { s.req, s.n - 1, s.k };
solution.first = solve(solution.second).first;
if (nFitting > 0) {
State useNth = { notFitting, s.n - 1, s.k - 1 };
long long useNthVol = nFitting * vol(candSizes[s.n - 1]) + solve(useNth).first;
if (useNthVol < solution.first) solution = { useNthVol, useNth };
memo[s] = solution;
return solution;
void printOptimalSolution(State s) {
while (!empty(s.req)) {
State next = solve(s).second;
if (next.k < s.k) cout << candSizes[s.n - 1] << endl;
s = next;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
vector<array<int, 4>> requestedBoxSizes;
set<int> lengths, widths, heights;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
array<int, 4> d; // d[3] is actually the number of requests for this box size
cin >> d[0] >> d[1] >> d[2] >> d[3];
sort(begin(d), begin(d) + 3, std::greater<int>());
// Generate all candidate box sizes
for (int l : lengths) {
for (int w : widths) {
for (int h : heights) {
array<int, 3> cand = { l, w, h };
sort(begin(cand), end(cand), std::greater<int>());
sort(begin(candSizes), end(candSizes), CompareByVolumeDesc());
candSizes.erase(unique(begin(candSizes), end(candSizes)), end(candSizes));
cout << "Number of candidate box sizes: " << size(candSizes) << endl;
State startState = { requestedBoxSizes, static_cast<int>(size(candSizes)), k };
long long minVolume = solve(startState).first;
cout << "Minimum achievable volume using " << k << " box sizes: " << minVolume << endl;
cout << "Optimal set of " << k << " box sizes:" << endl;
return 0;
15 5
100 61 35 27
17 89 96 47
31 69 30 55
37 23 39 9
94 11 48 19
38 17 29 36
63 79 80 36
59 52 37 51
86 63 54 7
32 30 11 26
50 88 51 5
74 70 33 14
67 46 4 79
83 94 89 58
65 42 37 69
Number of candidate box sizes: 2310
Minimum achievable volume using 5 box sizes: 124069460
Optimal set of 5 box sizes:
(94, 48, 11)
(69, 52, 37)
(100, 89, 35)
(88, 79, 63)
(94, 89, 83)
如果有兴趣,我会解释这背后的算法。这比考虑 k 个候选框大小的所有可能组合要好,但效率不是很高。