
bool binSearch(int array[], int key, int left, int right)

    mid = left + (right-left)/2;
    if (key < array[mid])
        return binSearch(array, key, left, mid-1);
    else if (key > array[mid])
        return binSearch(array, key, mid+1, right);
    else if (key == array[mid])
        return TRUE; // Found

    return FALSE; // Not Found

12 回答 12



于 2009-03-23T15:42:39.797 回答


大约有一半的时间,第一次测试为真,因此只有一次比较 a 和 b,但另一半时间为假,第二次比较是强制的。这太严重了,以至于有些版本被重铸,以至于根本不进行第二次测试,因此直到跨度减少到零才确定相等性,从而排除了提前终止的可能性——请记住,大约一半的时间搜索将发生在小于限制的一次迭代的匹配值上。


if a = b then action3
 else if a > b then action2
  else action1;


某些语言,如 Fortran,具有三向比较,允许通过一个分支到三个不同部分的比较来完成此步骤(请参阅三向比较示例的第十行)。如果您的语言不支持三向测试(大多数语言不支持),那么最好进行两次比较。


于 2009-03-23T15:35:47.973 回答


int binsearch_1( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  int found=0;
  while( size > 0 ){
    size_t w=size/2;
         if( p[w] <  key  ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; }
    else if( p[w] >  key  ){         size =w;   }
    else  /* p[w] == key */{ p+=w; found=1; break; }
  *index=p-array; return found;


int binsearch_2( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  while( size > 0 ){
    size_t w=size/2;
    if( p[w+1] <= key ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; } else size =w;
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;


int binsearch_3( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  while( size > 8 ){
    size_t w=size/2;
    if( p[w+1] <= key ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; } else  size =w;
  if( size==8 ){ if( p[5] <=  key ){ p+=5; size=3; } else size=4; }
  if( size==7 ){ if( p[4] <=  key ){ p+=4; size=3; } else size=3; }
  if( size==6 ){ if( p[4] <=  key ){ p+=4; size=2; } else size=3; }
  if( size==5 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=2; } else size=2; }
  if( size==4 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=1; } else size=2; }
  if( size==3 ){ if( p[2] <=  key ){ p+=2; size=1; } else size=1; }
  if( size==2 ){ if( p[2] <=  key ){ p+=2; size=0; } else size=1; }
  if( size==1 ){ if( p[1] <=  key ){ p+=1;         }              }
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;

重新排序 if 语句,将特殊情况 [size==pow(2,N)-1] 移到末尾:

int binsearch_4( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  while( size > 8 ){
    size_t w=size/2;
    if( p[w+1] <= key ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; } else  size =w;
  if( size==8 ){ if( p[5] <=  key ){ p+=5; size=3; } else size=4; }
  if( size==6 ){ if( p[4] <=  key ){ p+=4; size=2; } else size=3; }
  if( size==5 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=2; } else size=2; }
  if( size==4 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=1; } else size=2; }
  if( size==2 ){ if( p[2] <=  key ){ p+=2; size=0; } else size=1; }

  if( size==7 ){ if( p[4] <=  key ){ p+=4; size=3; } else size=3; }
  if( size==3 ){ if( p[2] <=  key ){ p+=2; size=1; } else size=1; }
  if( size==1 ){ if( p[1] <=  key ){ p+=1;         }              }
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;

将 if 语句更改为 switch 语句:

int binsearch_5( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  while( size > 8 ){
    size_t w=size/2;
    if( p[w+1] <= key ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; } else  size =w;
  if( size==8 ){ if( p[5] <=  key ){ p+=5; size=3; } else size=4; }
  if( size==6 ){ if( p[4] <=  key ){ p+=4; size=2; } else size=3; }
  if( size==5 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=2; } else size=2; }
  if( size==4 ){ if( p[3] <=  key ){ p+=3; size=1; } else size=2; }
  if( size==2 ){ if( p[2] <=  key ){ p+=2; size=0; } else size=1; }

    case 7: if( p[4] <= key ) p+=4;
    case 3: if( p[2] <= key ) p+=2;
    case 1: if( p[1] <= key ) p+=1;
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;

扩展 switch 语句以处理所有特殊情况:

int binsearch_6( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  switch( size ){
#define C(n) case ((size_t)1<<n)-1: if( p[1<<(n-1)]<=key ) p+=1<<(n-1); 
                                              C(63) C(62) C(61)
    C(60) C(59) C(58) C(57) C(56) C(55) C(54) C(53) C(52) C(51)
    C(50) C(49) C(48) C(47) C(46) C(45) C(44) C(43) C(42) C(41)
    C(40) C(39) C(38) C(37) C(36) C(35) C(34) C(33) C(32)
    C(30) C(29) C(28) C(27) C(26) C(25) C(24) C(23) C(22) C(21)
    C(20) C(19) C(18) C(17) C(16) C(15) C(14) C(13) C(12) C(11)
    C(10) C( 9) C( 8) C( 7) C( 6) C( 5) C( 4) C( 3) C( 2) C( 1)
#undef C 
      while( size > 0 ){
        size_t w=size/2;
        if( p[w] < key ){ p+=w+1; size-=w+1; } else size=w;
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;

从代码中消除一般情况处理: [ w 是最小的数字: w==pow(2,N)-1; 尺寸<=2*(w+1) ]

int binsearch_7( arr_t array[], size_t size, arr_t key, size_t *index ){
  if( !array || !size ) return 0;
  arr_t *p=array;
  size_t w=(size-1)>>1; w|=w>>1; w|=w>>2; w|=w>>4; w|=w>>8; w|=w>>16;
  if( p[w]<key ) p+=size-w-1;
  switch( w ){
#define C(n) case ((size_t)1<<n)-1: if( p[1<<(n-1)]<=key ) p+=1<<(n-1);
                                              C(63) C(62) C(61)
    C(60) C(59) C(58) C(57) C(56) C(55) C(54) C(53) C(52) C(51)
    C(50) C(49) C(48) C(47) C(46) C(45) C(44) C(43) C(42) C(41)
    C(40) C(39) C(38) C(37) C(36) C(35) C(34) C(33) C(32)
    C(30) C(29) C(28) C(27) C(26) C(25) C(24) C(23) C(22) C(21)
    C(20) C(19) C(18) C(17) C(16) C(15) C(14) C(13) C(12) C(11)
    C(10) C( 9) C( 8) C( 7) C( 6) C( 5) C( 4) C( 3) C( 2) C( 1)
#undef C
  *index=p-array; return p[0]==key;

我所做的最后一步是简化案例标签 [从:'((size_t)1<<n)-1' 到:'n'] 但我发现修改后的代码在我的旧 PC 上比以前的版本。

于 2009-10-05T01:34:51.190 回答



于 2009-03-23T15:26:43.750 回答


mid = left + (right-left)/2;
if (key < array[mid])
    return binSearch(array, key, left, mid-1);
else if (key > array[mid])
    return binSearch(array, key, mid+1, right);
    return TRUE; // Found

另请注意,我已删除最后一行。在您的原始代码中,return FALSE;永远不可能执行。我会假设您在检查的开头有一个检查binSearch是否left<= right

在 C 中,没有办法根据小于、等于、大于进行三向比较/分支,因此您必须进行两次比较才能在三种可能性中进行选择。

于 2009-03-23T15:37:28.950 回答


对于更昂贵的比较,使用 -1, 0, 1 表示 <, =, > 就像在 C 库函数 strcmp 或 Java 的 compareTo() 中一样。

于 2009-03-23T15:30:58.793 回答

Ganesh M - 如果数组中不存在密钥,那么您的函数将被卡在一个永无止境的循环中。它永远不会返回 FALSE。


考虑 <、== 和 > 的条件“如果级联”将仅返回 TRUE,或者永远继续计算。



使用 log(N)/log(2) 似乎是个好主意,但是当 N 不是 2 的幂时,事情可能会变得混乱。

也许,我应该选择一个大小为 2 的数组,并使用一个简单的 while 循环?

检查中点 == 是否会增加太多的比较次数?

于 2009-10-05T00:54:13.877 回答
// Optimized Binary Search Implementation
int binsearch(int* data, int size, int val)
    int result = -1;
    int start, mid, end;
    start = 0;
    end = size - 1;
    mid = (start + end) >> 1;
    while (start <= end && data[mid] != val)
        if (data[mid] > val)
            end = mid - 1;
            start = mid + 1;
        mid = (start + end) >> 1;
    if (val == data[mid])
        result = mid;
    return result;
于 2010-03-07T10:17:11.830 回答

它是 K&R 第二版中的一个练习题。

While(low <= high && arr[mid]!=num)
    if(arr[mid] > num)
       low = mid+1;
       high = mid-1;
    mid = (low+high)/2;

if(arr[mid] == num)
    printf("found the ugly number");
    return mid;
于 2010-05-29T11:02:33.627 回答

我在 C# 中使用无分支版本与普通分支版本进行了一些性能测试。分支版本总是获胜。我试图让性能测试产生随机的最坏情况结果,以损害找到或未找到结果的分支,但它可能不是完全最坏的情况。这一切都说得通,这要归功于 Peter Cordes 在https://stackoverflow.com/a/54273248提供的出色链接。

// choose on of these three...
#define BRANCHLESS_UNSAFE // branchless binary search
//#define BRANCHLESS_FROM_SOURCE // copy source from Array.BinarySearch
//#define BRANCHLESS_BUILTIN // Array.BinarySearch

// BRANCHLESS_UNSAFE is on average 4-5 ms slower than BRANCHLESS_BUILTIN on threadripper 1950x

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace BranchlessBinarySearchNamespace
    /// <summary>
    /// C# branchless binary search performance test
    /// The built in array binary search is currently faster in release mode, it's possible the compiler is smarter than me :)
    /// </summary>
    public static unsafe class BranchlessBinarySearch
        // if index not found, returns ~(index of element to insert sorted) at.
        public static int BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value) where T : IComparable<T>
            int cmp;
            int mid;
            int start = 0;
            int end = array.Length - 1;


            int** ptrArray = stackalloc int*[3];
            ptrArray[0] = &start;
            ptrArray[2] = &end;
            int g0;


            while (start <= end)
                mid = start + ((end - start) >> 1);
                cmp = array[mid].CompareTo(value);
                if (cmp == 0)
                    return mid;


                // use -1 or 1 to access start or end in array of 3 ptr

                // compiler will turn into non branch most likely
                //g0 = cmp > 0 ? 1 : -1;

                // access sign bit, negate, multiply by 2 and add one. This gives us -1 if less than 0 or 1 if greater than 0.
                g0 = (-(int)((uint)cmp >> 31) * 2) + 1; 

                // index into ptrArr, if g0 is -1 (using end ptr) we access index 0 (1 + -1) which is where end ptr is
                // if g0 is 1 (using start ptr) we access index 2 (1 + 1) which is where start ptr is
                *(ptrArray[1 + g0]) = mid - g0;


                // the above two lines equivelant to this:
                // compiler may be able to optimize this, but the above code is simply an illustration on how to do
                // the binary search logic without any branching logic at all
                else if (cmp > 0)
                    end = mid - 1;
                    start = mid + 1;


            return ~start;

        private static unsafe void Test(int[] items, int[] find, bool output)
            if (output)
                const bool testBranchless =






                Console.Write("Testing {0} items, branchless: {1}... ", items.Length, testBranchless);
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            for (int i = 0; i < find.Length; i++)
                BinarySearch(items, find[i]);
                //int idx = BinarySearch(items, find[i]);
                //if (idx != Array.BinarySearch(items, find[i]))
                    //throw new ApplicationException("Binary search invalid result");


            for (int i = 0; i < find.Length; i++)
                Array.BinarySearch(items, find[i]);
                //int idx = Array.BinarySearch(items, find[i]);
                //if (idx != Array.BinarySearch(items, find[i])) // ensure same perf characteristic as branchless test
                    //throw new ApplicationException("Binary search invalid result");


            if (output)
                Console.WriteLine("Time: {0:0.00} ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

        private static unsafe void Test(int count, bool output = true)
            Random r = new Random();
            int[] items = new int[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                items[i] = r.Next(0, items.Length);
            int[] find = new int[1024];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                int found = r.Next(0, 11);
                if (found > 6)
                    // found
                    find[i] = items[r.Next(0, items.Length)];
                    // not found
                    find[i] = (r.Next(0, 2) == 0 ? r.Next(int.MinValue, 0) : r.Next(items.Length + 1, int.MaxValue));
            Test(items, find, output);

        public static void Main()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 10; j <= 10000000; j *= 10)
于 2019-03-08T17:31:05.577 回答
bool binSearch(int array[], int key, int len)
    int mid, low, high;

    low = 0;
    right = len - 1;
    mid = low + (high-low)/2;

    while ((low <= high) && (array[mid] != key)) {
         if (key < array[mid]) {
             high = mid - 1;
         } else {
             low = mid + 1;
         mid = low + (high-low)/2;

    if (array[mid] == key) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
于 2014-06-07T13:04:36.520 回答
BinarySearch = function (array, value)  
    var l = 0;  
    var r = array.length;  
    var mid;  
    while (l!=r)  
        mid = Math.round( (r+l)/2 )-1;  
        if(value > array[mid])  
        return mid;  
        if( (mid < (array.length-1)) && (array[mid+1]==value) )  
            return mid+1;  
            return -1; // Not found  

来源:http ://calcs.appspot.com/docview?id=agVjYWxjc3IPCxIIRG9jdW1lbnQY0w8M

于 2012-07-05T18:52:22.640 回答