I've just installed DB2 v8.1.18.980. Now I try to create new database. I'm getting the error with the following sql codes:

 sqlcode :  -902 

 sqlstate :  58005

Unfortunately the error itself in Russian, as a result, I cannot paste it here. Official site says the following about the problem:

"The statement cannot be processed. The application program is not permitted to issue additional SQL statements. For example, a recovery routine associated with the application program may not issue additional SQL statements.

Programmer response Rebind the failing application program and try again. If the problem persists, examine your DBRM and make sure it matches your program."


But, it's not clear to me. Any ideas, what can be wrong and how to resole it?

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate if it may be an issue.


1 回答 1


您链接到的文档适用于 db2 v9 for z/os,而不是 db2 v8 for Windows。所以这是第一个问题。

v8 的文档对 SQL 902 有这样的说法:

发生系统错误(原因代码 = 原因代码)。无法处理后续 SQL 语句。

说明: 发生系统错误。


记录消息中的消息号 (SQLCODE) 和原因代码。



SQLCODE 和嵌入式原因码

SQLCA 内容(如果可能)


联合系统用户:将问题隔离到请求失败的数据源(请参阅故障排除指南以确定哪个数据源无法处理 SQL 语句)并针对该数据源采取必要的诊断步骤。数据源的问题确定程序各不相同,因此请参阅适用的数据源手册。


sqlstate: 58005

这给我们带来了第二个问题:它要求您联系 IBM 并开一张票,据我所知,v8 不支持,所以不会那么容易。

我认为安装 v9、v9.5 或 v9.7 将是您最好的选择,除非您有真正令人信服的理由坚持使用 8。

于 2011-07-18T14:28:25.107 回答