我正在尝试从 onnx 模型中提取输入层、输出层及其形状等数据。我知道有 python 接口可以做到这一点。我想做一些与这段代码类似的事情,但在 c++ 中。我还粘贴了链接中的代码。我已经在 python 中尝试过它,它对我有用。我想知道是否有 c++ API 可以做同样的事情。

import onnx

model = onnx.load(r"model.onnx")

# The model is represented as a protobuf structure and it can be accessed
# using the standard python-for-protobuf methods

# iterate through inputs of the graph
for input in model.graph.input:
    print (input.name, end=": ")
    # get type of input tensor
    tensor_type = input.type.tensor_type
    # check if it has a shape:
    if (tensor_type.HasField("shape")):
        # iterate through dimensions of the shape:
        for d in tensor_type.shape.dim:
            # the dimension may have a definite (integer) value or a symbolic identifier or neither:
            if (d.HasField("dim_value")):
                print (d.dim_value, end=", ")  # known dimension
            elif (d.HasField("dim_param")):
                print (d.dim_param, end=", ")  # unknown dimension with symbolic name
                print ("?", end=", ")  # unknown dimension with no name
        print ("unknown rank", end="")

另外我是c ++的新手,请帮助我。


1 回答 1


ONNX 格式本质上是一个protobuf,因此可以用任何 protoc 编译器支持的语言打开。

在 C++ 的情况下

  1. 获取 onnx proto 文件(onnx repo
  2. protoc --cpp_out=. onnx.proto3用命令编译它。它将生成onnx.proto3.pb.cconnx.proto3.pb.h文件
  3. 链接 protobuf 库(可能是 protobuf-lite),生成的 cpp 文件和以下代码:
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>

#include "onnx.proto3.pb.h"

void print_dim(const ::onnx::TensorShapeProto_Dimension &dim)
  switch (dim.value_case())
  case onnx::TensorShapeProto_Dimension::ValueCase::kDimParam:
    std::cout << dim.dim_param();
  case onnx::TensorShapeProto_Dimension::ValueCase::kDimValue:
    std::cout << dim.dim_value();
    assert(false && "should never happen");

void print_io_info(const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::onnx::ValueInfoProto > &info)
  for (auto input_data: info)
    auto shape = input_data.type().tensor_type().shape();
    std::cout << "  " << input_data.name() << ":";
    std::cout << "[";
    if (shape.dim_size() != 0)
      int size = shape.dim_size();
      for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i)
        std::cout << ", ";
      print_dim(shape.dim(size - 1));
    std::cout << "]\n";

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  std::ifstream input("mobilenet.onnx", std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary); // open file and move current position in file to the end

  std::streamsize size = input.tellg(); // get current position in file
  input.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // move to start of file

  std::vector<char> buffer(size);
  input.read(buffer.data(), size); // read raw data

  onnx::ModelProto model;
  model.ParseFromArray(buffer.data(), size); // parse protobuf

  auto graph = model.graph();

  std::cout << "graph inputs:\n";

  std::cout << "graph outputs:\n";
  return 0;
于 2021-04-29T12:09:32.367 回答