如何将自定义 JavaScript 文件包含到亚马逊网上商店?
3 回答
To include a custom js file in Amazon Webstore you: 1.From the homescreen click the customize url button 2.Select "use your own domain name" * Even if you dont plan to use your own you still must choose this. 3.In the custom url field it should say either example.webstorepowered.com or example.hostedbyamazon.com, change your domain name to example.hostedbywebstore.com Where example is whatever your store would be named 4. check the confirm button and submit. 5. Go to "store design" "file library" from the dropdown and upload your js file to the appropriate folder.
Noe this file will appear with a red "x" over the top of it - this simply means you cannot use this file on any checkout or processing pages so amazon can ensure the integrity and security of the sales.
6.Next you will want to go to "store design" "merchandizing and layout"
7.click "properties" in the upper left corner 8.Choose "css and js" and select and the file so you custom js is loaded with all the other amazon required files.
That should be all you need. I just recently figured this out so post if you have any more questions.
转到“Merchandising & Layout”下的主要模板页面之一,单击右上角的属性并上传要包含的 js 文件。
您可以使用greasemonkey 脚本在页面中插入脚本,或者在Chrome/Opera 中的userscript 文件夹中插入用户脚本。