首先我不习惯这种方式编程,但我正在尝试。我很沮丧,因为我找不到我的问题的解决方案,我希望有人能给我一个很好的资源来使用,因为我认为 SolidWorks 的帮助和文档在很多方面都缺乏。我刚刚开始学习这一点,我唯一的问题是访问 IEdmFile5 对象。

我想要做的是创建一个插件,它会做一件事,它是将 URL 链接作为变量添加到文件中。我当然会添加代码,以便在文件移动或名称​​更改时更新此 URL。目前,我创建了一个只有右键菜单的插件,因此我可以一次更改一个或多个文件的 URL。(当务之急是为现有文件创建/更新 URL。)

除了一件事之外,我已经编写了所有执行此操作的代码。即,将 URL 保存到变量中。菜单命令没有文件路径,只有 ID。令我困惑的是我右键单击该文件。它应该有我需要的关于文件的信息,或者获取它的方法。也许确实如此,但我似乎无法找到它。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using EdmLib;

namespace ClassFileURL

    public class Class1 : IEdmAddIn5
        private readonly String vaultName = "kern_vault test";
        private IEdmVault5 vault = null;

        public void GetAddInInfo(ref EdmAddInInfo poInfo, IEdmVault5 poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 poCmdMgr)
                //Specify information to display in the add-in's Properties dialog box
                poInfo.mbsAddInName = "File URL Generator Add-in";
                poInfo.mbsCompany = "Kern Laser Systems";
                poInfo.mbsDescription = "Creates a URL of the file.";
                poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1;

                //Specify the minimum required version of SolidWorks PDM Professional
                poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 6;
                poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 4;

                // Register a menu command
                poCmdMgr.AddCmd(1, "Generate File URL", (int)EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_Nothing);

                // Set the vault object.
                vault = poVault;

                // All all the needed command hooks.
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("HRESULT = 0x" + ex.ErrorCode.ToString("X") + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)

        void IEdmAddIn5.OnCmd(ref EdmCmd poCmd, ref Array ppoData)
                // Declare variables.
                int index = ppoData.GetLowerBound(0);           // Get the lower bound of the array.
                int last = ppoData.GetUpperBound(0);            // Get the upper bound of the array.
                EdmCmdData[] tmpArr = (EdmCmdData[])ppoData;    // Create a temporary array will full access.

                // Make sure we are logged into the vault.
                if (!vault.IsLoggedIn)
                    //Log into selected vault as the current user
                    vault.LoginAuto(vaultName, poCmd.mlParentWnd);
                // Handle the command.
                switch (poCmd.meCmdType)
                    case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_Menu:
                        // Declare variables.
                        String message = "Do you want to update or create the file URL for the selected files? (Aplies only to .SLDPRT and .SLDASM files.)";
                        String title = "Update/Create file URL";
                        MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;
                        DialogResult result;

                        if (poCmd.mlCmdID == 1)
                            // Show the message box.
                            result = MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons);

                            // Determine what is done to the files.
                            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                                ProcessFileList(index, last, tmpArr);

                                // Show done box when finished.
                                MessageBox.Show("Done", title);                               

                    case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostAdd:

                    case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostMove:

                    case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_PostMoveFolder:

            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("HRESULT = 0x" + ex.ErrorCode.ToString("X") + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void ProcessFileList(int lowerBound, int upperBound, EdmCmdData[] files)
            // Declare variables.
            IEdmEnumeratorVariable5 linkVariable = default(IEdmEnumeratorVariable5);
            IEdmFolder5 retFolder = default(IEdmFolder5);
            IEdmFile5 aFile = default(IEdmFile5);
            String extension1 = ".sldprt";
            String extension2 = ".sldasm";
            String url = null;
            //Append the paths of all files to a message string
            while (lowerBound <= upperBound)
                // Get the data.
                int fileID = files[lowerBound].mlObjectID1;
                int folderID = files[lowerBound].mlObjectID2;
                int parentFolderID = files[lowerBound].mlObjectID3;
                String fileName = files[lowerBound].mbsStrData1.ToLower();

                // Process only the desired files.
                if ((fileName.EndsWith(extension1)) || (fileName.EndsWith(extension2)))
                    // Check the file ID for 0.
                    if (fileID == 0)
                        url = CreateURL(folderID, fileID);
                        // work on this. for files in folder

                    // Check the folder ID for 0.
                    if (folderID == 0)
                        url = CreateURL(parentFolderID, fileID);
                    // Get the file object.

                    //this is where I get hung up, I have no path to the file.
                    aFile = vault.GetFileFromPath(**path to file**, out retFolder);
                    linkVariable = aFile.GetEnumeratorVariable(**path to file **);

                    // Set the File Link of the selected file.
                    linkVariable.SetVar("File Link", "", url, true);


        private String CreateURL(int folderID, int fileID)
            // Declare variables.
            String action = "open";             // Could be one of these: open, view, explore, get, lock, properties, or history.
            int EdmObject_File = 1;
            String url = String.Format("conisio://{0}/{1}?projectid={2}&documentid={3}&objecttype={4}", vaultName, action, folderID, fileID, EdmObject_File);

            // Show the url.
            MessageBox.Show(url, "The file URL");

            return url;

格式不正确。这是一个 COM 对象,需要 EDMLib dll 才能编译。任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢。


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