这是我的数据的 MWE,我想从包含“Med”的所有列中删除字符串“NaN”

df= data.frame(id= rep(1:5, each=1),
               Med1 = c("GN", "GN", "Ca", "Ca", "DM"),
               Med2 = c("DM", "NaN", "Mob", "NaN", "NaN"),
               Med3 = c("NaN","NaN","DM", "NaN","NaN"))


dfx = df%>%
  mutate(across(contains("Med", ignore.case = TRUE), str_remove(.,"NaN")))
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`.
x Problem with `across()` input `.fns`.
i Input `.fns` must be NULL, a function, a formula, or a list of functions/formulas.
i Input `..1` is `(function (.cols = everything(), .fns = NULL, ..., .names = NULL) ...`.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
In addition: Warning message:
Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`.
i argument is not an atomic vector; coercing
i Input `..1` is `(function (.cols = everything(), .fns = NULL, ..., .names = NULL) ...`. 
dfx = df%>%
  mutate(across(contains("Med", ignore.case = TRUE), str_remove("NaN")))
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `..1`.
x argument "pattern" is missing, with no default
i Input `..1` is `(function (.cols = everything(), .fns = NULL, ..., .names = NULL) ...`.


 str_remove(string = Med1, pattern = "NaN")
Error in str_remove(., string = Med1, pattern = "NaN") : 
  unused argument (.)

1 回答 1



dfx = df%>%                                        # ,--- add this tilde
  mutate(across(contains("Med", ignore.case = TRUE), ~ str_remove(.,"NaN")))


  1. 原始函数,例如across(everything(), mean). 您可以在之后添加任意命名/未命名参数,尽管它们与数据本身是分开的。

    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), mean))
    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), mean, na.rm = TRUE))

    (这不假设 base-R 函数:您可以在其他地方创建自己的函数并在此处传递它。)

  2. 匿名函数,允许更灵活的调用。也许:

    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), function(z) mean(x)))
    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), function(z) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
  3. rlang-style 波浪号函数。在这些中,a.被数据向量替换(对于每一列是mutated):

    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), ~ mean(.)))
    mtcars %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), ~ mean(., na.rm = TRUE)))


#   id Med1 Med2 Med3
# 1  1   GN   DM  NaN
# 2  2   GN  NaN  NaN
# 3  3   Ca  Mob   DM
# 4  4   Ca  NaN  NaN
# 5  5   DM  NaN  NaN
df[df == "NaN"] <- ""
#   id Med1 Med2 Med3
# 1  1   GN   DM     
# 2  2   GN          
# 3  3   Ca  Mob   DM
# 4  4   Ca          
# 5  5   DM          
于 2021-04-23T15:54:06.747 回答