我正在尝试在我的 FPGA 板上使用 Chipwhisperer 提供的 TVLA 评估。(标记为 5.1.3 的 repo的克隆)他们为此提供了PA_TVLA_1-Performing_TVLA_Testing_for_Crypto_Validation.ipynb
Jupyterplaybook。我对其进行了修改以初始化 FPGA,但流程的其余部分是相同的,即捕获跟踪并分析它们。
import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats
project = cw.open_project('projects/MyProject.cwp')
fixedpy = [0xda, 0x39, 0xa3, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x6b, 0x4b, 0x0d, 0x32, 0x55, 0xbf, 0xef, 0x95, 0x60, 0x18, 0x90]
testouts = []
num_traces = len(project.traces)
num_points = len(project.waves[0])
print(num_traces, num_points)
curve = hv.Curve([])
def do_the_ttvla(project, ntraces=-1):
global curve, line
if ntraces == -1:
ntraces = int(num_traces / 2)
if ntraces * 2 > num_traces:
raise ValueError("Invalid ntraces")
for g in range(0, 2):
group = [(list(project.textins[i]) == fixedpy) for i in range(g*ntraces, g*ntraces+ntraces)]
trace = np.zeros((ntraces, num_points))
for n in range(g*ntraces, g*ntraces+ntraces):
trace[n - g*ntraces][:] = project.waves[n]
testout = welch_ttest(group, trace)
curve *= hv.Curve(testout)
curve *= hv.Path([(0, -4.5), (num_points, -4.5)]).opts(color="black") * \
hv.Path([(0, 4.5), (num_points, 4.5)]).opts(color="black")
def welch_ttest(group, traces):
import warnings
# Compute Welch's t-statistic at each point in time
# Here, group[] must only contain booleans (True/False)
traces_true = traces[np.where(np.array(group))]
traces_false = traces[np.where(~np.array(group))]
if len(traces_true) == 0:
traces_true = np.array([[np.nan for _ in range(len(traces[0]))]])
if len(traces_false) == 0:
traces_false = np.array([[np.nan for _ in range(len(traces[0]))]])
with warnings.catch_warnings():
ttrace = scipy.stats.ttest_ind(traces_true, traces_false, axis=0, equal_var=False)[0]
return np.nan_to_num(ttrace)
(curve).opts(height=600, width=600)
WARNING:param.BokehRenderer: Use method 'params' via param namespace
WARNING:param.BokehRenderer:Use method 'params' via param namespace
RecursionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-8f71252adeef> in <module>
53 return np.nan_to_num(ttrace)
---> 55 do_the_ttvla(project)
56 (curve).opts(height=600, width=600)
<ipython-input-14-8f71252adeef> in do_the_ttvla(project, ntraces)
30 testout = welch_ttest(group, trace)
---> 31 curve *= hv.Curve(testout)
32 testouts.extend(testout)
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/core/overlay.py in __mul__(self, other)
41 return NotImplemented
---> 43 return Overlay([self, other])
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/core/overlay.py in __init__(self, items, group, label, **params)
141 self.__dict__['_group'] = group
142 self.__dict__['_label'] = label
--> 143 super(Overlay, self).__init__(items, **params)
145 def __getitem__(self, key):
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/core/dimension.py in __init__(self, items, identifier, parent, **kwargs)
1327 if items and all(isinstance(item, Dimensioned) for item in items):
1328 items = self._process_items(items)
-> 1329 params = {p: kwargs.pop(p) for p in list(self.params().keys())+['id', 'plot_id'] if p in kwargs}
1331 AttrTree.__init__(self, items, identifier, parent, **kwargs)
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/param/parameterized.py in inner(*args, **kwargs)
1328 get_logger(name=args[0].__class__.__name__).log(
1329 WARNING, 'Use method %r via param namespace ' % fn.__name__)
-> 1330 return fn(*args, **kwargs)
1332 inner.__doc__= "Inspect .param.%s method for the full docstring" % fn.__name__
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/param/parameterized.py in params(cls, parameter_name)
2765 @Parameters.deprecate
2766 def params(cls,parameter_name=None):
-> 2767 return cls.param.params(parameter_name=parameter_name)
2769 @classmethod
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/param/parameterized.py in params(self_, parameter_name)
1422 superclasses.
1423 """
-> 1424 pdict = self_.objects(instance='existing')
1425 if parameter_name is None:
1426 return pdict
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/param/parameterized.py in objects(self_, instance)
1511 if instance and self_.self is not None:
1512 if instance == 'existing':
-> 1513 if getattr(self_.self, 'initialized', False) and self_.self._instance__params:
1514 return dict(pdict, **self_.self._instance__params)
1515 return pdict
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/core/tree.py in __getattr__(self, identifier)
254 sanitized = identifier
--> 256 if sanitized in self.children:
257 return self.__dict__[sanitized]
... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...
~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/core/tree.py in __getattr__(self, identifier)
254 sanitized = identifier
--> 256 if sanitized in self.children:
257 return self.__dict__[sanitized]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
[[memmap([ 0.015625 , -0.00585938, -0.00097656, 0.00878906, 0.015625 ,
-0.12402344, -0.11132812, -0.05664062, -0.00097656, -0.09863281,
-0.06640625, -0.00976562, 0.03613281, -0.08007812, -0.06542969,
-0.01660156, 0.02050781, -0.10351562, -0.08105469, -0.02734375,
0.02246094, -0.09765625, -0.07324219, -0.01855469, 0.02832031,
-0.09082031, -0.06933594, -0.01757812, 0.02832031, -0.08789062,
-0.06542969, -0.015625 , 0.02832031, -0.09179688, -0.06933594,
-0.01855469, 0.02734375, -0.09765625, -0.06933594, -0.01855469,
0.02929688, -0.09667969, -0.06933594, -0.01660156, 0.03222656,
-0.0859375 , -0.05566406, -0.01171875, 0.03417969, -0.10058594,
-0.07421875, -0.02246094, 0.02636719, 0.03125 , 0.04882812,
0.05078125, 0.04980469, 0. , -0.00488281, -0.00195312,
0.01269531, -0.00878906, 0.00097656, 0.01464844, 0.03027344,
0.00390625, 0.00683594, 0.015625 , 0.02539062, -0.01074219,
-0.00683594, 0.0078125 , 0.02246094, -0.00585938, 0. ,
0.01269531, 0.02441406, -0.00390625, -0.00195312, 0.01269531,
0.02148438, -0.00195312, 0.00292969, 0.01464844, 0.02441406,
-0.0078125 , -0.00292969, 0.00976562, 0.02050781, -0.00488281,
-0.00195312, 0.01171875, 0.02148438, -0.00878906, -0.00488281,
0.00683594, 0.02246094, -0.00097656, 0.00683594, 0.01660156,
0.02441406, -0.01171875, -0.00585938, 0.00488281, 0.02050781,
-0.00878906, 0. , 0.01074219, 0.02539062, -0.00390625,
0.00195312, 0.00976562, 0.02246094, -0.0078125 , -0.00097656,
0.00878906, 0.02050781, -0.00878906, -0.00390625, 0.00683594,
0.02148438, -0.00683594, 0. , 0.00976562, 0.02246094,
-0.01269531, -0.00488281, 0.00683594, 0.02148438])
array([218, 57, 163, 238, 94, 107, 75, 13, 50, 85, 191, 239, 149,
96, 24, 144], dtype=uint8)
array([141, 157, 50, 188, 136, 137, 251, 6, 244, 97, 191, 105, 144,
241, 195, 197], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.015625 , -0.01757812, -0.00878906, -0.00292969, 0.01269531,
-0.1015625 , -0.0859375 , -0.04492188, 0.00488281, -0.09570312,
-0.06347656, -0.01757812, 0.02832031, -0.10058594, -0.07910156,
-0.03125 , 0.01855469, -0.09960938, -0.07324219, -0.02441406,
0.02441406, -0.09179688, -0.06835938, -0.02246094, 0.0234375 ,
-0.10546875, -0.08300781, -0.03125 , 0.0234375 , -0.09277344,
-0.06738281, -0.015625 , 0.02636719, -0.08984375, -0.06933594,
-0.02148438, 0.02441406, -0.09375 , -0.07128906, -0.02050781,
0.02636719, -0.09863281, -0.07519531, -0.02050781, 0.02636719,
-0.08691406, -0.05957031, -0.01171875, 0.03125 , -0.09375 ,
-0.07324219, -0.02050781, 0.02539062, 0.02929688, 0.04199219,
0.04882812, 0.04589844, -0.00292969, -0.01074219, -0.00292969,
0.00878906, -0.01171875, -0.00390625, 0.01269531, 0.02539062,
0.00292969, 0.00488281, 0.01367188, 0.02148438, -0.01171875,
-0.00976562, 0.00488281, 0.02050781, -0.00976562, -0.00292969,
0.00976562, 0.02441406, -0.00488281, -0.00195312, 0.00878906,
0.02148438, -0.00390625, 0.00195312, 0.01171875, 0.02246094,
-0.01171875, -0.00390625, 0.00585938, 0.02050781, -0.01171875,
-0.00292969, 0.00878906, 0.0234375 , -0.01367188, -0.00488281,
0.00683594, 0.02148438, -0.00292969, 0.00585938, 0.01269531,
0.0234375 , -0.01464844, -0.0078125 , 0.00292969, 0.01660156,
-0.00976562, 0. , 0.01074219, 0.0234375 , -0.00488281,
-0.00097656, 0.00976562, 0.02050781, -0.0078125 , -0.00097656,
0.00878906, 0.01953125, -0.01074219, -0.00585938, 0.0078125 ,
0.02050781, -0.00585938, -0.00292969, 0.00878906, 0.02246094,
-0.01464844, -0.0078125 , 0.00488281, 0.01953125])
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
array([ 66, 199, 111, 134, 28, 147, 211, 45, 55, 54, 186, 57, 92,
200, 179, 128], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.02050781, -0.00976562, -0.00292969, 0.01074219, 0.02246094,
-0.00683594, -0.00292969, 0.00683594, 0.02148438, -0.12109375,
-0.10253906, -0.04589844, 0.01074219, -0.09472656, -0.06347656,
-0.00488281, 0.04003906, -0.07714844, -0.0625 , -0.01269531,
0.02929688, -0.09960938, -0.07519531, -0.02148438, 0.03027344,
-0.07714844, -0.05175781, -0.00585938, 0.03808594, -0.08105469,
-0.06347656, -0.01464844, 0.03125 , -0.08886719, -0.06542969,
-0.01464844, 0.03515625, -0.09277344, -0.07128906, -0.01757812,
0.03613281, -0.08691406, -0.05957031, -0.00976562, 0.03808594,
-0.07324219, -0.04394531, -0.00390625, 0.03710938, -0.09765625,
-0.07617188, -0.02148438, 0.03027344, 0.03808594, 0.0546875 ,
0.05859375, 0.05371094, 0.00683594, -0.00292969, 0.00292969,
0.01367188, -0.00488281, 0.00390625, 0.01953125, 0.03222656,
0.00878906, 0.01171875, 0.02050781, 0.02832031, -0.00488281,
-0.00097656, 0.01269531, 0.02636719, -0.00097656, 0.00390625,
0.01757812, 0.03027344, 0.00097656, 0.00292969, 0.01660156,
0.02539062, 0.00488281, 0.00488281, 0.01953125, 0.02832031,
-0.00195312, 0.00097656, 0.01367188, 0.02636719, 0. ,
0.00488281, 0.015625 , 0.02832031, -0.00488281, 0. ,
0.01367188, 0.02734375, 0.00488281, 0.01269531, 0.01855469,
0.03125 , -0.00683594, -0.00195312, 0.00878906, 0.02539062,
-0.00195312, 0.00683594, 0.01660156, 0.02929688, 0.00097656,
0.0078125 , 0.01464844, 0.02734375, -0.00390625, 0.00390625,
0.01269531, 0.02734375, -0.00488281, 0.00097656, 0.01367188,
0.02441406, 0. , 0.00390625, 0.01757812, 0.02636719,
-0.00878906, -0.00097656, 0.01171875, 0.02441406])
array([ 66, 199, 111, 134, 28, 147, 211, 45, 55, 54, 186, 57, 92,
200, 179, 128], dtype=uint8)
array([ 81, 246, 159, 240, 211, 199, 82, 114, 237, 178, 37, 123, 8,
239, 165, 187], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.01074219, -0.02246094, -0.01660156, -0.00195312, 0.01074219,
-0.12988281, -0.11621094, -0.05761719, -0.00097656, -0.10253906,
-0.07128906, -0.01269531, 0.03027344, -0.08886719, -0.07128906,
-0.02246094, 0.015625 , -0.11035156, -0.08691406, -0.02832031,
0.01953125, -0.10742188, -0.08007812, -0.02246094, 0.02246094,
-0.09667969, -0.07324219, -0.02246094, 0.02441406, -0.09277344,
-0.0703125 , -0.01855469, 0.0234375 , -0.09375 , -0.07421875,
-0.02246094, 0.02441406, -0.09863281, -0.07519531, -0.02050781,
0.02734375, -0.09667969, -0.07421875, -0.02148438, 0.02539062,
-0.08398438, -0.06054688, -0.01269531, 0.02832031, -0.09960938,
-0.08007812, -0.02832031, 0.02246094, 0.02929688, 0.04589844,
0.04589844, 0.04589844, -0.00195312, -0.00976562, -0.00488281,
0.00878906, -0.015625 , -0.00292969, 0.00976562, 0.02636719,
0. , 0.00585938, 0.01171875, 0.02246094, -0.01464844,
-0.00683594, 0.00195312, 0.02050781, -0.01269531, -0.00097656,
0.00976562, 0.0234375 , -0.00976562, -0.00292969, 0.00585938,
0.02050781, -0.00683594, 0.00097656, 0.00878906, 0.02246094,
-0.01367188, -0.00683594, 0.00488281, 0.01855469, -0.01074219,
-0.00390625, 0.0078125 , 0.01855469, -0.01171875, -0.00976562,
0.00488281, 0.01953125, -0.00097656, 0.00390625, 0.01367188,
0.02050781, -0.01171875, -0.00878906, 0.00292969, 0.015625 ,
-0.00878906, -0.00390625, 0.01074219, 0.02050781, -0.00488281,
-0.00390625, 0.00976562, 0.01660156, -0.00878906, -0.00390625,
0.00683594, 0.01953125, -0.01171875, -0.00683594, 0.00585938,
0.01855469, -0.00683594, -0.00292969, 0.00878906, 0.02050781,
-0.015625 , -0.01074219, 0.00390625, 0.01855469])
array([218, 57, 163, 238, 94, 107, 75, 13, 50, 85, 191, 239, 149,
96, 24, 144], dtype=uint8)
array([141, 157, 50, 188, 136, 137, 251, 6, 244, 97, 191, 105, 144,
241, 195, 197], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.0234375 , -0.01171875, -0.00585938, 0.00488281, 0.01953125,
-0.09765625, -0.08886719, -0.04199219, 0.01171875, -0.09277344,
-0.06640625, -0.01367188, 0.03613281, -0.07714844, -0.05957031,
-0.01367188, 0.03027344, -0.09472656, -0.07324219, -0.02246094,
0.02929688, -0.09472656, -0.0703125 , -0.01660156, 0.03417969,
-0.08886719, -0.06347656, -0.015625 , 0.03417969, -0.08105469,
-0.05859375, -0.01074219, 0.03515625, -0.0859375 , -0.06542969,
-0.01464844, 0.03320312, -0.09277344, -0.06542969, -0.01367188,
0.03417969, -0.08984375, -0.06542969, -0.01269531, 0.03417969,
-0.07421875, -0.05175781, -0.00390625, 0.03613281, -0.09179688,
-0.07226562, -0.01660156, 0.03222656, 0.0390625 , 0.05273438,
0.05957031, 0.05371094, 0.00585938, -0.00292969, 0.00488281,
0.01367188, -0.00488281, 0.00390625, 0.02050781, 0.03320312,
0.00878906, 0.00878906, 0.02050781, 0.03027344, -0.00488281,
-0.00292969, 0.01367188, 0.02636719, -0.00292969, 0.00488281,
0.01855469, 0.02929688, 0. , 0.00488281, 0.01757812,
0.02929688, 0.00195312, 0.00878906, 0.01855469, 0.02929688,
-0.00488281, 0.00292969, 0.01367188, 0.02832031, -0.00292969,
0.00390625, 0.01464844, 0.03027344, -0.00488281, 0.00195312,
0.01269531, 0.02734375, 0.00390625, 0.01269531, 0.01855469,
0.03222656, -0.00683594, -0.00097656, 0.00976562, 0.02539062,
-0.00292969, 0.00683594, 0.01855469, 0.03027344, 0.00097656,
0.0078125 , 0.01464844, 0.02636719, -0.00292969, 0.00390625,
0.01367188, 0.02636719, -0.00292969, 0. , 0.01464844,
0.02636719, 0. , 0.00488281, 0.01660156, 0.02832031,
-0.00488281, -0.00097656, 0.01367188, 0.02539062])
array([218, 57, 163, 238, 94, 107, 75, 13, 50, 85, 191, 239, 149,
96, 24, 144], dtype=uint8)
array([141, 157, 50, 188, 136, 137, 251, 6, 244, 97, 191, 105, 144,
241, 195, 197], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.02050781, -0.00683594, -0.00488281, 0.00878906, 0.01855469,
-0.11132812, -0.09472656, -0.04394531, 0.00976562, -0.09863281,
-0.06835938, -0.01269531, 0.03417969, -0.0859375 , -0.06542969,
-0.01855469, 0.02734375, -0.10058594, -0.07910156, -0.0234375 ,
0.02636719, -0.09277344, -0.06738281, -0.01464844, 0.03320312,
-0.08398438, -0.06347656, -0.015625 , 0.03222656, -0.07910156,
-0.05859375, -0.01269531, 0.03222656, -0.09667969, -0.07519531,
-0.02441406, 0.03027344, -0.08691406, -0.05859375, -0.01074219,
0.03613281, -0.08886719, -0.06542969, -0.015625 , 0.03027344,
-0.08007812, -0.05273438, -0.00878906, 0.03417969, -0.08300781,
-0.0625 , -0.01464844, 0.03222656, 0.03125 , 0.04785156,
0.04882812, 0.04980469, 0.00390625, -0.00390625, 0.00097656,
0.01464844, -0.00488281, 0.00292969, 0.01855469, 0.02929688,
0.00683594, 0.00976562, 0.02050781, 0.02636719, -0.0078125 ,
-0.00292969, 0.01074219, 0.02441406, -0.00390625, 0. ,
0.015625 , 0.02636719, -0.00292969, 0.00195312, 0.01464844,
0.02441406, 0.00097656, 0.00683594, 0.015625 , 0.02636719,
-0.00585938, -0.00097656, 0.00976562, 0.02441406, -0.00390625,
0.00292969, 0.01464844, 0.02636719, -0.00683594, -0.00195312,
0.01171875, 0.02441406, 0.00292969, 0.00976562, 0.01953125,
0.02832031, -0.01074219, -0.00292969, 0.0078125 , 0.0234375 ,
-0.00585938, 0.00390625, 0.01464844, 0.02734375, -0.00195312,
0.00292969, 0.01367188, 0.02246094, -0.00390625, 0.00195312,
0.01171875, 0.0234375 , -0.00878906, -0.00195312, 0.01171875,
0.02441406, -0.00292969, 0. , 0.01464844, 0.02441406,
-0.00976562, -0.00488281, 0.00976562, 0.02246094])
array([ 81, 246, 159, 240, 211, 199, 82, 114, 237, 178, 37, 123, 8,
239, 165, 187], dtype=uint8)
array([252, 90, 157, 237, 176, 228, 231, 213, 184, 124, 217, 87, 234,
82, 192, 166], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]
[memmap([ 0.01855469, -0.01269531, -0.0078125 , 0.00292969, 0.015625 ,
-0.11425781, -0.10546875, -0.04980469, 0.00488281, -0.09375 ,
-0.06835938, -0.01171875, 0.03320312, -0.07714844, -0.06542969,
-0.01757812, 0.0234375 , -0.09667969, -0.08007812, -0.02441406,
0.02441406, -0.09472656, -0.07519531, -0.02148438, 0.03027344,
-0.08691406, -0.0703125 , -0.01757812, 0.02832031, -0.07910156,
-0.06542969, -0.01464844, 0.03027344, -0.0859375 , -0.0703125 ,
-0.01953125, 0.02832031, -0.09375 , -0.0703125 , -0.01757812,
0.03222656, -0.09179688, -0.06933594, -0.01855469, 0.03222656,
-0.078125 , -0.05371094, -0.01074219, 0.03417969, -0.09472656,
-0.07617188, -0.02246094, 0.02734375, 0.03417969, 0.04980469,
0.05175781, 0.04980469, 0.00097656, -0.00488281, -0.00292969,
0.01171875, -0.00976562, 0.00097656, 0.015625 , 0.03027344,
0.00683594, 0.0078125 , 0.015625 , 0.02441406, -0.01074219,
-0.00488281, 0.00878906, 0.02050781, -0.00488281, 0. ,
0.01464844, 0.02441406, -0.00097656, 0. , 0.01269531,
0.02246094, 0. , 0.00390625, 0.015625 , 0.0234375 ,
-0.00488281, -0.00097656, 0.00976562, 0.02246094, -0.00683594,
0.00097656, 0.01269531, 0.0234375 , -0.01074219, -0.00390625,
0.00976562, 0.02246094, -0.00195312, 0.00683594, 0.015625 ,
0.02734375, -0.01269531, -0.00488281, 0.00683594, 0.02050781,
-0.0078125 , 0.00195312, 0.01269531, 0.02636719, -0.00683594,
0.00292969, 0.00976562, 0.0234375 , -0.00878906, 0. ,
0.01074219, 0.02246094, -0.01074219, -0.00390625, 0.0078125 ,
0.02148438, -0.00488281, 0.00097656, 0.01269531, 0.0234375 ,
-0.01269531, -0.0078125 , 0.0078125 , 0.02148438])
array([218, 57, 163, 238, 94, 107, 75, 13, 50, 85, 191, 239, 149,
96, 24, 144], dtype=uint8)
array([141, 157, 50, 188, 136, 137, 251, 6, 244, 97, 191, 105, 144,
241, 195, 197], dtype=uint8)
array([ 1, 35, 69, 103, 137, 171, 205, 239, 18, 52, 86, 120, 154,
188, 222, 240], dtype=uint8) ]]
Result truncated
波的内容是什么<chipwhisperer.common.api.ProjectFormat.IndividualIterable object at 0x7fe48203b350>
[ 0.015625 -0.00585938 -0.00097656 0.00878906 0.015625 -0.12402344
-0.11132812 -0.05664062 -0.00097656 -0.09863281 -0.06640625 -0.00976562
0.03613281 -0.08007812 -0.06542969 -0.01660156 0.02050781 -0.10351562
-0.08105469 -0.02734375 0.02246094 -0.09765625 -0.07324219 -0.01855469
0.02832031 -0.09082031 -0.06933594 -0.01757812 0.02832031 -0.08789062
-0.06542969 -0.015625 0.02832031 -0.09179688 -0.06933594 -0.01855469
0.02734375 -0.09765625 -0.06933594 -0.01855469 0.02929688 -0.09667969
-0.06933594 -0.01660156 0.03222656 -0.0859375 -0.05566406 -0.01171875
0.03417969 -0.10058594 -0.07421875 -0.02246094 0.02636719 0.03125
0.04882812 0.05078125 0.04980469 0. -0.00488281 -0.00195312
0.01269531 -0.00878906 0.00097656 0.01464844 0.03027344 0.00390625
0.00683594 0.015625 0.02539062 -0.01074219 -0.00683594 0.0078125
0.02246094 -0.00585938 0. 0.01269531 0.02441406 -0.00390625
-0.00195312 0.01269531 0.02148438 -0.00195312 0.00292969 0.01464844
0.02441406 -0.0078125 -0.00292969 0.00976562 0.02050781 -0.00488281
-0.00195312 0.01171875 0.02148438 -0.00878906 -0.00488281 0.00683594
0.02246094 -0.00097656 0.00683594 0.01660156 0.02441406 -0.01171875
-0.00585938 0.00488281 0.02050781 -0.00878906 0. 0.01074219
0.02539062 -0.00390625 0.00195312 0.00976562 0.02246094 -0.0078125
-0.00097656 0.00878906 0.02050781 -0.00878906 -0.00390625 0.00683594
0.02148438 -0.00683594 0. 0.00976562 0.02246094 -0.01269531
-0.00488281 0.00683594 0.02148438]
[218 57 163 238 94 107 75 13 50 85 191 239 149 96 24 144]
对象作为import chipwhisperer as cw
chipwhisperer 库的一部分导入。它的功能是允许将已经捕获的跟踪加载到一组数组中。