我想得到 polyline2d 的质心。我有一条来自 TraceBoundary 的折线,如下所示:

DBObjectCollection objs = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor.TraceBoundary(Point, false);
Polyline polyline = (Polyline)objs[0];
Point2d centroid = ***The missing part i need any way to get center of gravity of the above polyline as point2d***

我以前用 autolisp 这样做过:

(setq arob (entlast))
(setq enpol (vlax-ename->vla-object arob))
(setq cgpoint (vlax-get-property enpol 'Centroid))



public static Point2d GetPolyLineCentroid(Polyline polyline)
        double area = polyline.Area;
        double cx = 0.0;
        double cy = 0.0;
        double X0 = 0.0;
        double Y0 = 0.0;
        double X1 = 0.0;
        double Y1 = 0.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < polyline.NumberOfVertices - 1; i++)
            X0 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(i).X;
            Y0 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(i).Y;
            X1 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(i + 1).X;
            Y1 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(i + 1).Y;

            cx += (X0 + X1) * (X0 * Y1 - X1 * Y0);
            cy += (Y0 + Y1) * (X0 * Y1 - X1 * Y0);

        // last Point
        int Lv = polyline.NumberOfVertices - 1;
        X0 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(Lv).X;
        Y0 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(Lv).Y;
        X1 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(0).X;
        Y1 = polyline.GetPoint2dAt(0).Y;

        cx += (X0 + X1) * (X0 * Y1 - X1 * Y0);
        cy += (Y0 + Y1) * (X0 * Y1 - X1 * Y0);

        cx /= 6 * area;
        cy /= 6 * area;

        return new Point2d(cx, cy);

我不想使用 AutoLisp。有没有办法在.NET中做到这一点?


2 回答 2



public static Point2d GetPolyLineCentroid(DBObjectCollection objs)
    Solid3d Solid = new Solid3d();
    Solid.Extrude(((Region)Region.CreateFromCurves(objs)[0]), 1, 0);
    Point2d centroid = new Point2d(Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.X, Solid.MassProperties.Centroid.Y);
    return centroid;
于 2011-07-17T17:45:04.070 回答

对于 AutoCAD <= 2013,使用 .NET ( Region.CreateFromCurves) 创建一个区域,并使用 COM 和方法获取对它的引用HandleToObject。在区域 ActiveX 对象上,有一个Centroid属性。

对于 AutoCAD > 2013,类AreaProperties上有一个方法Region可以返回具有属性的RegionAreaProperties结构。Centroid

于 2011-08-01T10:28:25.333 回答