对于一个项目,我目前正在尝试为想象中的飞机编写一个小型飞行员辅助系统。任务是学习 Ada Spark,而不是航空电子设备。我已经对我希望使用的飞机组件进行了建模,在主文件中进行了一些测试以检查组件是否按预期工作,一切都很好,现在我要在函数中添加前置条件和后置条件以确保我的飞机是超级的安全的。一种这样的安全措施是确保在飞机被拖曳时不能打开发动机,反之亦然,在发动机打开时切换到拖曳。
我将引擎建模为高度复杂的记录,具有一个属性,类型 OnOff,它采用值 On 或 Off 之一。注意我计划扩展属性,所以它不会保留一个属性记录。
package engines with SPARK_Mode
type OnOff is (On, Off);
type Engine is record
isOn: OnOff;
end record;
procedure switchOn (x : in out Engine);
procedure switchOff (x : in out Engine);
end engines;
type Plane is record
engine1: Engine;
engine2: Engine;
gearOfLanding: LandingGear;
doorPax1, doorPax2, doorServ1, doorServ2,
doorCockpit: Door;
panelOfReadings: ReadingsPanel;
panelOfAlerts: AlertsPanel;
planOfFlight: FlightPlan;
speedLimits: SpeedLimit;
altitudeLimits: AltitudeLimit;
attitudeLimits: AttitudeLimit;
litresPerMile: Integer;
fuelTank1: FuelTank;
end record;
planes 文件中的过程 switchOnEngine 将引擎作为输入,并从引擎文件中调用 switchOn。这是规格,下面是正文:
procedure switchOnEngine (x : in out Engine; y : in Plane) with
Pre => y.panelOfReadings.mode /= Tow,
Post => x = (isOn => On) and y.panelOfReadings.mode /= Tow;
procedure switchOnEngine (x : in out Engine; y : in Plane)
end switchOnEngine;
precondition might fail
cannot prove y.panelOfReadings.mode /= Tow e.g when .......mode =>Tow
switchOnEngine(AirForceOne.engine1, AirForceOne);
formal parameters x and y are aliased, and this is being marked as a 'high' priority warning.
AirForceOne : Plane := (
engine1 => (isOn => Off),
engine2 => (isOn => Off),
litresPerMile => 5,
gearOfLanding => (isExtended => Extended),
doorPax1 => (isClosed => Closed, isLocked => Unlocked),
doorPax2 => (isClosed => Closed, isLocked => Unlocked),
doorServ1 => (isClosed => Closed, isLocked => Unlocked),
doorServ2 => (isClosed => Closed, isLocked => Unlocked),
doorCockpit => (isClosed => Closed, isLocked => Unlocked),
fuelTank1 => (capacity=>26000, currentFuel=>26000),
planOfFlight => (distFromDest => 1500),
panelOfReadings =>
(mode => Tow,
currentSpeed => 0,
altitud => 0,
attitud =>
currentRoll =>0)
panelOfAlerts =>
(approachingStallSpeed => Off,
unRestrictedSpeed => Off,
withinLandingSpdRange => Off,
withinOptCruiseAlt => Off,
withinOptCruiseSpeed => Off,
takeoffSpeedReached => Off,
fuelStatus => Off,
maxPitchAngleExceeded => Off,
maxRollAngleExceeded => Off),
speedLimits =>
(minLanding => 180,
maxLanding => 200,
minStall => 110,
minTakeoff => 130,
maxRestricted => 300,
maxGroundMode => 10),
altitudeLimits =>
(minFlight => 500,
maxFlight => 41000,
optCruiseAlt => 36000,
maxRestrictedSpeed => 10000,
maxInitiateFlareMode => 100),
attitudeLimits =>
(maxRoll => 30,
maxPitch => 30,
minRoll => -30,
minPitch => -30)