我正在尝试使用 ReportLab 从图像目录中创建一个 4 x 5 的图像网格(每页),其方式类似于摄影联系表。我需要保持图像的纵横比,还需要下面每个图像的文件名。

我最初是从使用 drawimage 并手动添加所有内容开始的,但现在我认为一个表格并将图像和文件名添加到每个单元格中可能是一种更好的方法。任何人都可以给我一些关于最好的方法的指示吗?



from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4

from PIL import Image

import os

def rowGen(lst, n):

    for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
        yield lst[i:i + n]

def makePDF(document_title, data):

    pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(
    pagesize = A4

    style = TableStyle([
        ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),
        ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'Helvetica'),
        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 12),

    table = Table(data) #Creates and adds the data to the table
    table.setStyle(style) #Sets style to the above defined style

    elements = [] #Creates an empty elements list
    elements.append(table) #Lays out the elements


path = 'Images/'
image_list = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if i.endswith('.jpg')] #list of images in selected directory
data = [i for i in rowGen(image_list, 4)]

makePDF('Test.pdf', data)

1 回答 1



    from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
    from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
    from reportlab.lib.units import mm
    from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader
    from PIL import Image
    import os
    path = 'path/to/my/images/'
    filename = 'test.pdf'
    title = 'Test'
    def createPDF(path_to_images, document_name, document_title):
       def rowGen(list_of_images): #Creates a list of 4 image rows
          for i in range(0, len(list_of_images), 4):
             yield list_of_images[i:i + 4]
       def renderRow(path_to_images, row, y_pos): #Renders each row to the page
          x_pos = 5 #starting x position
          thumb_size = 180, 180 #Thumbnail image size
          for i in row:
             image_filename = i #Saves the filename for use in the draw string operation below
             img = Image.open(os.path.join(path_to_images, i)) #Opens image as a PIL object
             img.thumbnail(thumb_size) #Creates thumbnail 
             img = ImageReader(img) #Passes PIL object to the Reportlab ImageReader
             #Lays out the image and filename
             pdf.drawImage(img, x_pos * mm , y_pos * mm, width = 125, height = 125, preserveAspectRatio=True, anchor='c')
             pdf.drawCentredString((x_pos + 22) * mm, (y_pos - 7) * mm, image_filename)
             x_pos += 51 #Increments the x position ready for the next image
       images = [i for i in os.listdir(path_to_images) if i.endswith('.jpg')] #Creates list of images filtering out non .jpgs
       row_layout = list(rowGen(images)) #Creates the layout of image rows
       pdf = canvas.Canvas(document_name, pagesize=A4, pageCompression=1)
       rows_rendered = 0
       y_pos = 250 #Sets starting y pos
       pdf.setFont('Helvetica', 10)
       for row in row_layout: #Loops through each row in the row_layout list and renders the row. For each 5 rows, makes a new page
          if rows_rendered == 5:
             pdf.setFont('Helvetica', 10)
             y_pos = 250
             rows_rendered = 0
             renderRow(path_to_images, row, y_pos)
             y_pos -= 60
             rows_rendered += 1
    createPDF(path, filename, title)
于 2021-04-24T12:09:47.983 回答