如果我输入一个字符,则不会输出一切正常的消息(应该如此)。但是如果我输入了 2 个正确的字符,那么检查就会显示一切正常。尽管只有在所有字符都填写并正确时才应使用它。我是初学者,我不知道如何解决它。代码中有很多多余的部分,但检查工作对我来说很重要。整个程序代码如下所示。
import random, re, time, string
from copy import copy as duplicate
class Crossword(object):
def __init__(self, cols, rows, empty = '-', maxloops = 2000, available_words=[]):
self.cols = cols
self.rows = rows
self.empty = empty
self.maxloops = maxloops
self.available_words = available_words
self.current_word_list = []
self.debug = 0
def clear_grid(self):
self.grid = []
for i in range(self.rows):
ea_row = []
for j in range(self.cols):
def randomize_word_list(self):
temp_list = []
for word in self.available_words:
if isinstance(word, Word):
temp_list.append(Word(word.word, word.clue))
temp_list.append(Word(word[0], word[1]))
temp_list.sort(key=lambda i: len(i.word), reverse=True)
self.available_words = temp_list
def compute_crossword(self, time_permitted = 1.00, spins=2):
time_permitted = float(time_permitted)
count = 0
copy = Crossword(self.cols, self.rows, self.empty, self.maxloops, self.available_words)
start_full = float(time.time())
while (float(time.time()) - start_full) < time_permitted or count == 0:
self.debug += 1
copy.current_word_list = []
x = 0
while x < spins:
for word in copy.available_words:
if word not in copy.current_word_list:
x += 1
if len(copy.current_word_list) > len(self.current_word_list):
self.current_word_list = copy.current_word_list
self.grid = copy.grid
count += 1
def suggest_coord(self, word):
count = 0
coordlist = []
glc = -1
for given_letter in word.word:
glc += 1
rowc = 0
for row in self.grid:
rowc += 1
colc = 0
for cell in row:
colc += 1
if given_letter == cell:
if rowc - glc > 0:
if ((rowc - glc) + word.length) <= self.rows:
coordlist.append([colc, rowc - glc, 1, colc + (rowc - glc), 0])
except: pass
if colc - glc > 0:
if ((colc - glc) + word.length) <= self.cols:
coordlist.append([colc - glc, rowc, 0, rowc + (colc - glc), 0])
except: pass
new_coordlist = self.sort_coordlist(coordlist, word)
return new_coordlist
def sort_coordlist(self, coordlist, word):
new_coordlist = []
for coord in coordlist:
col, row, vertical = coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]
coord[4] = self.check_fit_score(col, row, vertical, word)
if coord[4]:
new_coordlist.sort(key=lambda i: i[4], reverse=True)
return new_coordlist
def fit_and_add(self, word):
fit = False
count = 0
coordlist = self.suggest_coord(word)
while not fit and count < self.maxloops:
if len(self.current_word_list) == 0:
vertical, col, row = random.randrange(0, 2), 1, 1
if self.check_fit_score(col, row, vertical, word):
fit = True
self.set_word(col, row, vertical, word, force=True)
col, row, vertical = coordlist[count][0], coordlist[count][1], coordlist[count][2]
except IndexError: return
if coordlist[count][4]:
fit = True
self.set_word(col, row, vertical, word, force=True)
count += 1
def check_fit_score(self, col, row, vertical, word):
if col < 1 or row < 1:
return 0
count, score = 1, 1
for letter in word.word:
active_cell = self.get_cell(col, row)
except IndexError:
return 0
if active_cell == self.empty or active_cell == letter:
return 0
if active_cell == letter:
score += 1
if vertical:
if active_cell != letter:
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col+1, row):
return 0
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col-1, row):
return 0
if count == 1:
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col, row-1):
return 0
if count == len(word.word):
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col, row+1):
return 0
if active_cell != letter:
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col, row-1):
return 0
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col, row+1):
return 0
if count == 1:
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col-1, row):
return 0
if count == len(word.word):
if not self.check_if_cell_clear(col+1, row):
return 0
if vertical:
row += 1
col += 1
count += 1
return score
def set_word(self, col, row, vertical, word, force=False):
if force:
word.col = col
word.row = row
word.vertical = vertical
for letter in word.word:
self.set_cell(col, row, letter)
if vertical:
row += 1
col += 1
def set_cell(self, col, row, value):
self.grid[row-1][col-1] = value
def get_cell(self, col, row):
return self.grid[row-1][col-1]
def check_if_cell_clear(self, col, row):
cell = self.get_cell(col, row)
if cell == self.empty:
return True
except IndexError:
return False
def solution(self):
outStr = ""
for r in range(self.rows):
for c in self.grid[r]:
outStr += '%s ' % c
outStr += '\n'
return outStr
def word_find(self):
outStr = ""
for r in range(self.rows):
for c in self.grid[r]:
if c == self.empty:
outStr += '%s ' % string.ascii_lowercase[random.randint(0,len(string.ascii_lowercase)-1)]
outStr += '%s ' % c
outStr += '\n'
return outStr
def order_number_words(self):
self.current_word_list.sort(key=lambda i: (i.col + i.row))
count, icount = 1, 1
for word in self.current_word_list:
word.number = count
if icount < len(self.current_word_list):
if word.col == self.current_word_list[icount].col and word.row == self.current_word_list[icount].row:
count += 1
icount += 1
def display(self, order=True):
outStr = ""
if order:
copy = self
for word in self.current_word_list:
copy.set_cell(word.col, word.row, word.number)
for r in range(copy.rows):
for c in copy.grid[r]:
outStr += '%s ' % c
outStr += '\n'
outStr = re.sub(r'[a-z]', ' ', outStr)
return outStr
def word_bank(self):
outStr = ''
temp_list = duplicate(self.current_word_list)
for word in temp_list:
outStr += '%s\n' % word.word
return outStr
def legend(self):
outStr = ''
for word in self.current_word_list:
outStr += '%d. (%d,%d) %s: %s\n' % (word.number, word.col, word.row, word.down_across(), word.clue )
return outStr
class Word(object):
def __init__(self, word=None, clue=None):
self.word = re.sub(r'\s', '', word.lower())
self.clue = clue
self.length = len(self.word)
self.row = None
self.col = None
self.vertical = None
self.number = None
def down_across(self):
if self.vertical:
return 'down'
return 'across'
word_list = ['saffron', 'The dried, orange yellow plant used to as dye and as a cooking spice.'], \
['pumpernickel', 'Dark, sour bread made from coarse ground rye.'], \
['leaven', 'An agent, such as yeast, that cause batter or dough to rise..'], \
['coda', 'Musical conclusion of a movement or composition.'], \
['paladin', 'A heroic champion or paragon of chivalry.'], \
['syncopation', 'Shifting the emphasis of a beat to the normally weak beat.'], \
['albatross', 'A large bird of the ocean having a hooked beek and long, narrow wings.'], \
['harp', 'Musical instrument with 46 or more open strings played by plucking.'], \
['piston', 'A solid cylinder or disk that fits snugly in a larger cylinder and moves under pressure as in an engine.'], \
['caramel', 'A smooth chery candy made from suger, butter, cream or milk with flavoring.'], \
['coral', 'A rock-like deposit of organism skeletons that make up reefs.'], \
['dawn', 'The time of each morning at which daylight begins.'], \
['pitch', 'A resin derived from the sap of various pine trees.'], \
['fjord', 'A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes.'], \
['lip', 'Either of two fleshy folds surrounding the mouth.'], \
['lime', 'The egg-shaped citrus fruit having a green coloring and acidic juice.'], \
['mist', 'A mass of fine water droplets in the air near or in contact with the ground.'], \
['plague', 'A widespread affliction or calamity.'], \
['yarn', 'A strand of twisted threads or a long elaborate narrative.'], \
['snicker', 'A snide, slightly stifled laugh.']
a = Crossword(17, 17, '-', 5000, word_list)
print (a.word_bank())
print (a.solution())
print (a.word_find())
print (a.display())
print (a.legend())
print (len(a.current_word_list), 'из', len(word_list))
print (a.debug)
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning, showinfo
class CellEntry(Entry):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
self._variable = StringVar()
self._variable.trace("w", self._callback)
super().__init__(master, textvariable=self._variable, **kw)
def _callback(self, *args):
value = self._variable.get()
self._variable.set('' if not value else value[-1])
class App:
def __init__(self, crossword):
self.root = Tk()
self._crossword = crossword
self._grid = Frame(self.root)
self._grid.pack(padx=30, pady=30)
self._cells = {}
for col in range(1, crossword.cols + 1):
for row in range(crossword.rows):
c = crossword.get_cell(col, row)
if c != '-':
entry = CellEntry(self._grid, width=3, justify=CENTER)
entry.grid(row=row, column=col)
self._cells[(col, row)] = entry
for w in crossword.current_word_list:
row, col = w.row, w.col
if w.down_across() == 'down':
row -= 1
col -= 1
Label(self._grid, text=str(w.number)).grid(column=col, row=row)
Button(self.root, text='Questions', command=self.questions).pack(pady=10)
Button(self.root, text='Check', command=self.check).pack(pady=10)
def check(self):
for (col, row), entry in self._cells.items():
if entry.get() == self._crossword.get_cell(col, row):
'''for (col, row), entry in self._cells.items():
if entry.get() != self._crossword.get_cell(col, row):
showwarning('...', 'Something went wrong')
showinfo('...', 'Ok')'''
def questions(self):
self.label = Label(text=a.legend(),justify=LEFT,font=("Arial Bold", 9))
self.label.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
def run(self):