My ansible negative regex is returning everything

So I'm getting results of dns names from JSON, of which I'm trying to sort to create an automated ansible inventory. I have servers with naming schemes such as:


I'm getting the "v" servers divided out by environment, then I want to create a catchall group that is not the "v" servers So! I'm attempting to do:

{{ jsonOutput | json_query('json.response.results[].dnsName') | regex_findall('(?![a-z]{3}[0-9]{2}v)^.*', multiline=true) }}

Which does seem to work when I plug it into https://pythex.org. But ansible is returning everything instead... What the heck am I doing wrong here?


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It's because that json_query emits a list[str] which when fed directly into regex_findall doesn't become a newline delimited string, it becomes the same as str(["alpha", "beta"]) (e.g. ['alpha', 'beta']) and then the multiline regex fails to do what you are expecting

There are, as with many things in life, a few ways to fix that. One is to just feed the results into |join("\n") and then you're likely back where you thought you were to begin with:

- debug:
    msg: "{{ jsonOutput | json_query('json.response.results[].dnsName') | join('\n') | regex_findall('(?![a-z]{3}[0-9]{2}v)^.*', multiline=true) }}"

The other is to acknowledge that it's a list[str] and use the | select("match", ...) filter to only allow though items that match:

    - debug:
        msg: >-
          {{ response | json_query('results[].dnsName')
          | select('match', '(?![a-z]{3}[0-9]{2}v)^.*')
          | list }}
          - dnsName: abc02vsomeserver01.subdomain1.domain.gov
          - dnsName: abc02someserver01.subdomain1.domain.gov
          - dnsName: xyz03votherserver11.subdomain2.domain.gov
          - dnsName: wyz03otherserver11.subdomain2.domain.gov
          - dnsName: qrsmainserver02.maindomain.domain.gov

similarly produces:

    "msg": [

I would guess it's personal preference which style works best in your playbook

于 2021-04-15T03:46:17.000 回答