class Resource {
Handle resource_handle;
friend void swap(Resource &a, Resource &b); // swap for the partial copy/swap idiom
Resource(); // Default with uninitialized handle whose destruction is a noop
Resource(std::string location); // Construction of resource (e.g. load something from disk)
Resource(Resource &&other); // Move constructor to receive from returns of functions
Resource &operator=(Resource other); // Sawp assignment to implement copy/swap idiom
Resoruce(Resource &other) = delete; // You can not copy resources
Resource &operator=(Resource &other) = delete; // You can not copy resources
管理资源句柄(文件句柄、gpu 句柄、互斥体)的类希望防止资源句柄被复制,因此包装类的解构会自动释放资源一次且只有一次,并且没有任何东西可以访问句柄不再是因为对象的生命周期已经结束并且(希望)不再存在指向包装器的引用或指针。