我想在 Microsoft Access 中使用变音位算法进行模式匹配。我在http://www.snakelegs.org/2008/01/18/double-metaphone-visual-basic-implementation/上找到了一个代码, 但它不起作用,相反,Microsoft Access 2007 挂断了。

我已经尝试过 soundex,但这不足以满足我的目的。



2 回答 2


@Daredev,我无法直接回答您的问题,但可以通过 VBA/Access 中的示例指向有关模糊搜索的资源。不幸的是,它们都是德语:


于 2011-08-17T16:37:27.443 回答

我发现以下内容非常有用。首先,Metaphone 有 3 个版本——

  1. 变音器
  2. 双变音器
  3. 变音器 V3

我在下面提供了 Metaphone 的代码。我在这里找到了它,我稍微编辑了代码。没有功能变化。

我还在这里找到了 soundex 的一些增强版本

如果您正在寻找双变音器,请访问此处。它在 Visual Basic 中提供 COM 包装器以语音搜索名称列表以及数据库表中的名称。



Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Metaphone algorithm translated from C to Delphi by Tom White
'Translated to Visual Basic by Dave White 9/10/01
'v1.1 fixes a few bugs
' Checks length of string before removing trailing S (>1)
' PH used to translate to H, now translates to F

'Original C version by Michael Kuhn


Function Metaphone(ByVal A As Variant) As String
Dim b, c, d, e As String
Dim inp, outp As String
Dim vowels, frontv, varson, dbl As String
Dim excppair, nxtltr As String
Dim T, ii, jj, lng, lastchr As Integer
Dim curltr, prevltr, nextltr, nextltr2, nextltr3 As String
Dim vowelafter, vowelbefore, frontvafter, silent, hard As Integer
Dim alphachr As String

On Error Resume Next
If IsNull(A) Then A = ""
A = CStr(A)
inp = UCase(A)
vowels = "AEIOU"
frontv = "EIY"
varson = "CSPTG"
dbl = "." 'Lets us allow certain letters to be doubled
excppair = "AGKPW"
nxtltr = "ENNNR"

'--Remove non-alpha characters
outp = ""
For T = 1 To Len(inp)
If InStr(alphachr, Mid(inp, T, 1)) > 0 Then outp = outp + Mid(inp, T, 1)
Next T

inp = outp: outp = ""

If Len(inp) = 0 Then Metaphone = "": Exit Function

'--Check rules at beginning of word
If Len(inp) > 1 Then
b = Mid(inp, 1, 1)
c = Mid(inp, 2, 1)
ii = InStr(excppair, b)
jj = InStr(nxtltr, c)
If ii = jj And ii > 0 Then
inp = Mid(inp, 2, Len(inp) - 1)
End If
End If

If Mid(inp, 1, 1) = "X" Then Mid(inp, 1, 1) = "S"

If Mid(inp, 1, 2) = "WH" Then inp = "W" + Mid(inp, 3)

If Right(inp, 1) = "S" Then inp = Left(inp, Len(inp) - 1)

ii = 0
ii = ii + 1
'--Main Loop!
silent = False
hard = False
curltr = Mid(inp, ii, 1)
vowelbefore = False
prevltr = " "
If ii > 1 Then
prevltr = Mid(inp, ii - 1, 1)
If InStrC(prevltr, vowels) > 0 Then vowelbefore = True
End If

If ((ii = 1) And (InStrC(curltr, vowels) > 0)) Then
outp = outp + curltr
GoTo ContinueMainLoop
End If

vowelafter = False
frontvafter = False
nextltr = " "
If ii < Len(inp) Then
nextltr = Mid(inp, ii + 1, 1)
If InStrC(nextltr, vowels) > 0 Then vowelafter = True
If InStrC(nextltr, frontv) > 0 Then frontvafter = True
End If

'--Skip double letters EXCEPT ones in variable double
If InStrC(curltr, dbl) = 0 Then
If curltr = nextltr Then GoTo ContinueMainLoop
End If

nextltr2 = " "
If Len(inp) - ii > 1 Then
nextltr2 = Mid(inp, ii + 2, 1)
End If

nextltr3 = " "
If (Len(inp) - ii) > 2 Then
nextltr3 = Mid(inp, ii + 3, 1)
End If

Select Case curltr
Case "B":
silent = False
If (ii = Len(inp)) And (prevltr = "M") Then silent = True
If Not (silent) Then outp = outp + curltr
Case "C":
If Not ((ii > 2) And (prevltr = "S") And frontvafter) Then
If ((ii > 1) And (nextltr = "I") And (nextltr2 = "A")) Then
outp = outp + "X"
If frontvafter Then
outp = outp + "S"
If ((ii > 2) And (prevltr = "S") And (nextltr = "H")) Then
outp = outp + "K"
If nextltr = "H" Then
If ((ii = 1) And (InStrC(nextltr2, vowels) = 0)) Then
outp = outp + "K"
outp = outp + "X"
End If
If prevltr = "C" Then
outp = outp + "C"
outp = outp + "K"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "D":
If ((nextltr = "G") And (InStrC(nextltr2, frontv) > 0)) Then
outp = outp + "J"
outp = outp + "T"
End If

Case "G":
silent = False
If ((ii < Len(inp)) And (nextltr = "H") And (InStrC(nextltr2, vowels) = 0)) Then
silent = True
End If
If ((ii = Len(inp) - 4) And (nextltr = "N") And (nextltr2 = "E") And (nextltr3 = "D")) Then
silent = True
ElseIf ((ii = Len(inp) - 2) And (nextltr = "N")) Then
silent = True
End If
If (prevltr = "D") And frontvafter Then silent = True
If prevltr = "G" Then
hard = True
End If

If Not (silent) Then
If frontvafter And (Not (hard)) Then
outp = outp + "J"
outp = outp + "K"
End If
End If

Case "H":
silent = False
If InStrC(prevltr, varson) > 0 Then silent = True
If vowelbefore And (Not (vowelafter)) Then silent = True
If Not silent Then outp = outp + curltr

Case "F", "J", "L", "M", "N", "R": outp = outp + curltr

Case "K": If prevltr <> "C" Then outp = outp + curltr

Case "P": If nextltr = "H" Then outp = outp + "F" Else outp = outp + "P"

Case "Q": outp = outp + "K"

Case "S":
If ((ii > 2) And (nextltr = "I") And ((nextltr2 = "O") Or (nextltr2 = "A"))) Then
outp = outp + "X"
End If
If (nextltr = "H") Then
outp = outp + "X"
outp = outp + "S"
End If

Case "T":
If ((ii > 0) And (nextltr = "I") And ((nextltr2 = "O") Or (nextltr2 = "A"))) Then
outp = outp + "X"
End If
If nextltr = "H" Then
If ((ii > 1) Or (InStrC(nextltr2, vowels) > 0)) Then
outp = outp + "0"
outp = outp + "T"
End If
ElseIf Not ((ii < Len(inp) - 3) And (nextltr = "C") And (nextltr2 = "H")) Then
outp = outp + "T"
End If

Case "V": outp = outp + "F"

Case "W", "Y": If (ii < Len(inp) - 1) And vowelafter Then outp = outp + curltr

Case "X": outp = outp + "KS"

Case "Z": outp = outp + "S"

End Select
Loop Until (ii > Len(inp))

Metaphone = outp

End Function


Function InStrC(ByVal SearchIn As String, ByVal SoughtCharacters As String) As Integer
'--- Returns the position of the first character in SearchIn that is contained
'--- in the string SoughtCharacters. Returns 0 if none found.
Dim i As Integer

On Error Resume Next
SoughtCharacters = UCase(SoughtCharacters)
SearchIn = UCase(SearchIn)
For i = 1 To Len(SearchIn)
If InStr(SoughtCharacters, Mid(SearchIn, i, 1)) > 0 Then
InStrC = i: Exit Function
End If
Next i
InStrC = 0
End Function
于 2016-03-01T20:35:44.693 回答