我正在开发一个带有基于情节的交互式图表的 rmarkdown HTML。虽然我可以完成我想要在图表中拥有的所有内容,但来自 crosstalk() 的 filter_select() 不允许我在其中设置默认值。所以我在初始加载过程中的图表看起来很笨拙而且很糟糕。

通过R中的串扰使用选择框在R plotly图中选择默认值,使用静态html不闪亮

上面的讨论有一些输入,但我不知道如何在 crosstalk() 中进行这些编辑,因为我不熟悉 HTML/JS。有人可以帮我一些详细的方法吗,



2 回答 2


Borrowing the example from the linked question, you've got the following for starters:


```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

# example data 
dat <- tibble::tribble(~filterBy, ~x, ~y,
                    "a", 1, 1,
                    "b", 2, 1,
                    "a", 1, 2,
                    "b", 2, 2,
                    "a", 1, 3,
                    "b", 2, 3,
                    "a", 1, 2,
                    "b", 2, 3,
                    "c", 3, 1,
                    "c", 3, 2,
                    "c", 3, 3

# initializing a crosstalk shared data object  
plotdat <- highlight_key(dat)

# Filter dropdown
question_filter <- crosstalk::filter_select(
   "filter", "Select a group to examine",
   plotdat, ~filterBy, multiple = F

# Plotting:
plot <-  plot_ly( plotdat, 
    x = ~x, y = ~y, text = ~filterBy,  mode = "markers+text", 
    textposition = "top", hoverinfo = "x+y"

You would paste the js from the accepted answer below the end of the r code, just as if you were making a new {r} block beneath the first one.

function filter_default() {
[0].selectize.setValue("a", false);
window.onload = filter_default;

To get this to work for you, there are a few arguments you'll likely need to change in the {js} block.

1. First, you'll want to look back at what you used as the tag for your filter_select element. This is the first argument. In the example above, filter_select("filter", means that you have used "filter" as your tag for the filter.

Say we had instead used "lantern" as our id for the crosstalk filter. You would change document.getElementById("filter") to document.getElementById("lantern") in the {js}.

2. Next, you'll want to look at what value is the default selection. In the example, the value is set to "a" with the selectize.setValue("a" bit in the {js} block. You have the ability to choose whatever value that exists in your data as a default. If, for example, you have source data:


you could use (keeping in mind that we have chosen to tag our filter_select as "lantern"):

function filter_default() {
[0].selectize.setValue("bulb", false);
window.onload = filter_default;

to set the default filter_select value to "bulb", or:

function filter_default() {
[0].selectize.setValue("sun", false);
window.onload = filter_default;

to set the default value to "sun".

于 2021-06-17T17:38:19.217 回答


function filter_default(){
  document.getElementById("course_name").getElementsByClassName("selectized")[0].selectize.setValue("Course 1",false) 
  document.getElementById("Student_Group_Name").getElementsByClassName("selectized")[0].selectize.setValue("Group 1",false)
  document.getElementById("student_group_name_2").getElementsByClassName("selectized")[0].selectize.setValue("Group 1",false)
于 2021-10-14T18:39:35.383 回答