
         DP 1     DP 2    DP 3   DP 4     DP 5    DP 6    DP 7   DP 8    DP 9    DP 10
OP 1    357848  1124788 1735330 2218270 2745596 3319994 3466336 3606286 3833515 3901463
OP 2    352118  1236139 2170033 3353322 3799067 4120063 4647867 4914039 5339085 
OP 3    290507  1292306 2218525 3235179 3985995 4132918 4628910 4909315     
OP 4    310608  1418858 2195047 3757447 4029929 4381982 4588268         
OP 5    443160  1136350 2128333 2897821 3402672 3873311             
OP 6    396132  1333217 2180715 2985752 3691712                 
OP 7    440832  1288463 2419861 3483130                     
OP 8    359480  1421128 2864498                         
OP 9    376686  1363294                             
OP 10   344014                                  


To calculate sum of first column data, Sum(DP1) where row size should be 10-1

To calculate sum of second column data, Sum(DP2) where row size should be 10-2

To calculate sum of Third column data, Sum(DP3) where row size should be 10-3



    3327371  10251249  15047844  18447791  17963259  15954957  12743113  8520325  3833515

我尝试使用 for 循环:

>>dataframe_len = len(df1.columns)
>>for i in range(0,10):
     #Here i need to find the sum of each column 
     #sum('col')(row size is 10-i)

这与 DP1 到 DP10(10 列)无关,那里的列太多了。

感谢您的时间 :)


3 回答 3


假设您希望它根据您的预期输出而不是根据您的描述,sum()在删除 NA 值然后跳过最后一个值之后的每一列:

df.apply(lambda col: col.dropna()[:-1].sum())


DP 1      3327371.0
DP 2     10251249.0
DP 3     15047844.0
DP 4     18447791.0
DP 5     17963259.0
DP 6     15954957.0
DP 7     12743113.0
DP 8      8520325.0
DP 9      3833515.0
DP 10           0.0

旁注:您的总和不是第 10-1、10-2、10-3 行等。它们是第 9-1、8-1、7-1 行。IE。您正在跳过每列的最后一个非 NA 值,而不是最上面的行。

Exdf['DP 1'].sum()只是3671385跳过最后一行df['DP 1'][:-1].sum()3327371您的预期输出匹配。对于 DP2:df['DP 2'].sum()is11614543df['DP 2'].dropna()[:-1].sum()is 10251249(您的预期值)但是df['DP 2'][2:10].sum()is 9253616

于 2021-04-10T11:22:38.117 回答


df.apply(lambda x: x.iloc[:df.index.get_loc(x.last_valid_index())].sum())

# DP 1      3327371.0
# DP 2     10251249.0
# DP 3     15047844.0
# DP 4     18447791.0
# DP 5     17963259.0
# DP 6     15954957.0
# DP 7     12743113.0
# DP 8      8520325.0
# DP 9      3833515.0
# DP 10           0.0
于 2021-04-10T11:22:52.517 回答


def sum_row(col):
    t = int(col.name.split(' ')[-1])
    return col.iloc[:-t].sum()

df_ = df.apply(sum_row)
# print(df_)

DP 1      3327371.0
DP 2     10251249.0
DP 3     15047844.0
DP 4     18447791.0
DP 5     17963259.0
DP 6     15954957.0
DP 7     12743113.0
DP 8      8520325.0
DP 9      3833515.0
DP 10           0.0
dtype: float64
于 2021-04-10T10:24:31.440 回答