我试图编写代码来确定排列。在 Wikipedia 中有一个简单算法的伪代码(来自 BR Heap)。我试图翻译伪代码
procedure generate(k : integer, A : array of any):
if k = 1 then
// Generate permutations with kth unaltered
// Initially k == length(A)
generate(k - 1, A)
// Generate permutations for kth swapped with each k-1 initial
for i := 0; i < k-1; i += 1 do
// Swap choice dependent on parity of k (even or odd)
if k is even then
swap(A[i], A[k-1]) // zero-indexed, the kth is at k-1
swap(A[0], A[k-1])
end if
generate(k - 1, A)
end for
end if
事实证明,这是基于我对 Swift 值类型与引用类型的误解。
func perms(k: Int, arr: [Any]) { //NOTE that this is NOT providing the correct permuations at this time. Some are doubled, some are missing (Yet the total permuations in number are correct)
var variedArray = arr
if k == 1 {
counter += 1 //this is not part of the Wikipedia psuedo code, I just wanted to count that I was at least getting the right number of permutations
outputArray.append(variedArray) //this is appending to an array that contains all the permutation after all is done
} else {
perms(k: k - 1 , arr: variedArray)
for i in 0..<k-1 {
if (k)%2 == 0 { // if even do this
variedArray.swapAt(i, k-1)
} else {
variedArray.swapAt(0, k-1)
perms(k: k - 1, arr: variedArray)