如何在 Clarion 中从 PostgreSQL 重写此查询?
select extract(epoch from (timestamp '02-01-2021 06:00' - timestamp '01-01-2021 22:00'))/3600 as interval_as_hours_numeric
如何在 Clarion 中从 PostgreSQL 重写此查询?
select extract(epoch from (timestamp '02-01-2021 06:00' - timestamp '01-01-2021 22:00'))/3600 as interval_as_hours_numeric
当您在 Clarion 中询问“如何重写 select extract(epoch from (timestamp '02-01-2021 06:00' - timestamp '01-01-2021 22:00'))/3600 as interval_as_hours_numeric”时,我假设您的意思是使用 Clarion 语法进行日期/时间数学运算。
如果您想通过 Clarion 文件驱动程序使用此查询并将其发送到 PostgreSQL,您可以使用以下代码:
mySQLtable{prop:SQL} = 'select extract(epoch from (timestamp <39>02-01-2021 06:00<39> - timestamp <39>01-01-2021 22:00<39>))/3600 as interval_as_hours_numeric'
结果将在 mySQLtable 记录结构的第一个字段中。
但是,我怀疑这不是您想要的,所以我将继续,就好像您想使用 Clarion 语法一样。我还假设您对 Clarion 比较陌生,所以我可能会解释您已经知道的事情。
Clarion 没有时间戳数据类型。它支持日期和时间。它还通过使用 GROUP() 和 OVER() 组合 DATE 和 TIME 数据类型间接支持 SQL DATETIME 类型。开发人员必须使用这种性质的策略来管理 DATE 和 TIME 的任何组合。因此,时间戳的日期和时间部分必须单独解析。
在 Clarion 中,您可以手动或通过 Clarion DEFORMAT() 动词解析日期和时间值。我在类方法中手动执行此操作,这样我就不必担心将来会发生 DEFORMAT 行为变化。为简单起见,我们将使用 DEFORMAT()。
Time:Tick EQUATE(1)
Time:Second EQUATE(100 * Time:Tick) ! there are 100 ticks in a second
Time:Minute EQUATE(60 * Time:Second)
Time:Hour EQUATE(60 * Time:Minute)
Time:Day EQUATE(24 * Time:Hour)
Time:Midnight EQUATE(1) ! timevariable=0 means "no time". timevariable=1 means midnight.
Time:FullDay EQUATE(Time:Midnight + 23 * Time:Hour + 59 * Time:Minute + 59 * Time:Second + 99 * Time:Tick)
Time:AlsoFullDay EQUATE(8640000) ! the easy way to get 24 hours worth of Clarion time
strMyDate STRING(10)
dMyDate DATE ! I tend to use LONGs for dates. Old habits, I guess. It doesn't really matter.
strMyLaterDate STRING(10)
dMyLaterDate DATE
strMyTime STRING(5)
tMyTime TIME
intMyTime LONG
strMyLaterTime STRING(5)
tMyLaterTime TIME
intMyLaterTime LONG
intMyDate LONG
intDifferenceInHours LONG
decDifferenceInHours DECIMAL(3,2)
intDifferenceInDays LONG
strMyDate = '01-01-2021'
dMyDate = DEFORMAT(strMyDate,@D06-) ! look in the help for "Date Pictures" to see why I used @D02.
! at this point, dMyDate contains 01-01-2021 (Jan 1, 2021) represented as a "Clarion Standard Date", which is the number of days elapsed since December 28, 1800.
strMyLaterDate = '02-01-2021'
dMyLaterDate = DEFORMAT(strMyLaterDate,@D06-)
! at this point, dMyLaterDate contains 02-01-2021 (Jan 2, 2021) represented as a Clarion Standard Date.
strMyTime = '22:00'
tMyTime = DEFORMAT(strMyTime,@T01) ! look in the help for "Date Pictures" to see why I used @D02.
! at this point, tMyTime contains 22:00 represented as a "Clarion Standard Time", which is the number of ticks since midnight.
! A Clarion tick is 1/100th of a second. See the Time: equates above.
strMyLaterTime = '06:00'
tMyLaterTime = DEFORMAT(strMyLaterTime,@T01)
! at this point, tMyLaterTime contains 06:00 represented as a Clarion Standard Time.
! Because there isn't a native datetime datatype in Clarion, we must do the math ourselves. This is a bit crude and not at all
! how I'd write this in a class, but I wanted it to function more as an explainer than as production code.
! How do the dates match up?
CASE dMyLaterDate - dMyDate
OF -9999 to -1 ! dMyLaterDate is an earlier date than dMyDate
! this code will be similar to the code below under "ELSE !dMyLaterDate is a later day than dMyDate"
OF 0 ! same date, different times.
IF tMyTime < tMyLaterTime
intDifferenceInHours = (tMyLaterTime - tMyTime) / Time:Hour
decDifferenceInHours = (tMyLaterTime - tMyTime) / Time:Hour
ELSIF tMyTime > tMyLaterTime
intDifferenceInHours = (tMyTime - tMyLaterTime) / Time:Hour
decDifferenceInHours = (tMyTime - tMyLaterTime) / Time:Hour
intDifferenceInHours = 0
decDifferenceInHours = 0
ELSE !dMyLaterDate is a later day than dMyDate (such as your example)
intDifferenceInDays = dMyLaterDate - dMyDate
intDifferenceInHours = Time:FullDay - tMyTime + | ! partial day associated wth tMyDate, ie: from 22:00 to midnight
tMyLaterTime - Time:Midnight + | ! partial day associated with tMyLaterDate, ie: from midnight to 06:00
(intDifferenceInDays - 1) * 24 * Time:Hour + 1 ! Difference in full days. The 1st day doesnt count (thus the -1),
! as the times take care of that part of the difference.
! a little easier to read
! intDifferenceInHours = Time:FullDay - tMyTime + tMyLaterTime - Time:Midnight + (intDifferenceInDays - 1) * 24 * Time:Hour
MESSAGE('diff in hours=' & intDifferenceInHours / Time:Hour)